Sample Residential Lease Template Page 3


SUBLEASES AND ASSIGNMENTS. Tenant shall not sublease or assign the
Lease without the prior, written permission from the Landlord. Landlord shall not
unreasonable deny permission to sublease or assign.
Tenant acknowledges that it has
examined the Premises and furnishings and personal property and that they are in a good
and habitable condition. Tenant shall keep the Premises and furnishings and personal
property in a clean and sanitary condition and in as good order and repair as they were at
the commencement of this Lease, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
Tenant shall dispose of all garbage in designated disposal facilities. Tenant will pay for
all damage to the Premises and repairs required due to the misuse or negligence of Tenant
or Tenant’s guests.
Landlord will maintain the Premises and common areas in a
habitable condition. Landlord and Tenant each agree to maintain and repair the Premises
in compliance with all laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to them. Tenant
agrees to promptly give notice to Landlord of any required repairs or unsafe conditions
and Landlord will be afforded a reasonable period of time to complete the same.
PETS. Tenant shall be allowed to keep the following pet(s) in or about the
Premises: ________________. No other animals or pets of any kind may be kept in or
about the Premises without Landlord’s prior written permission.
ALTERATIONS. Tenant shall not alter or permit any alteration of the Premises,
including but not limited to paint, wallpaper, structural alterations or removals, and
additions of fixtures (including TV antennae or satellite dish receivers), without the prior,
written permission of Landlord. This clause pertains to any alterations made inside and
outside the Premises, including changes to the surrounding land or common areas.
ACCESS. Landlord and its agents may enter the Premises at all reasonable times
and upon reasonable notice to Tenant to conduct inspections, make necessary or desired
repairs or improvements, or to show the same to prospective tenants, buyers or lenders.
Landlord may also enter the Premises when the same appear to be abandoned and for the
purpose of placing signs offering the Premises for sale or rent. In an emergency, and as
permitted by law, Landlord may enter the Premises without prior notice to Tenant.
TERMINATION IN EVENT OF SALE. It is expressly agreed that Landlord,
at its option, may terminate this Lease upon ____ days notice to Tenant in the event of a
sale of the building containing the Premises.
LOSS OR DAMAGE. Unless, caused by the negligence of Landlord, Landlord
will not be liable for any loss, damage or theft of any property of Tenant or others kept or
stored in or about the Premises. Tenant acknowledges that it is Tenant’s responsibility to
insure its own possessions.
DEFAULT. Tenant will be in default of this Lease upon the occurrence of any
one of the following events:
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Updated: September 2008


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