Logarithm - Calculator Worksheet


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Logarithm - Calculator
Find the value of log 2 using calculator.
log 2
ln 2
(change of base rule)
log 2 =
ln 6
log 6
Find the value of each logarithm using calculator. Round the answer to two
decimal places.
1) log 16
2) 3 log 3
3) log 8
4) log 9
5) 2 log 5
6) log 1.7
Find the value of each logarithmic expression using calculator. Round the answer
to two decimal places.
7) log 5 log 10
8) log 14 + log 6
log 5
9) log 3 – log 9
log 6
11) log 12 + log 8
12) log 7 – log 11
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