Sample Individual Donor Request


Sample Individual Donor Request
As mentioned in our How-To Sheet, we encourage you to approach people you know for donations either in
person or by phone. If you would like to send a letter instead, email is a better option than regular mail– so
we’ve formatted the sample letter below to fit into an email instead. On the following pages you’ll have
access to numerous communications vital to the solicitation process.
Sample Solicitation Email
Dear XX,
I am emailing to ask for your support for Active Minds at [school name], a student group I am a member of
dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues affecting our college students.
Active Minds is a national nonprofit organization with a single mission: to engage the student voice to
change the conversation about mental health. In 2003 Alison Malmon, Founder and Executive Director,
established Active Minds after losing her only sibling, Brian, to suicide. He was 22 and she was a freshman in
college. Ten years later, Active Minds continues to increase students’ awareness of mental health issues,
provide information and resources, and encourage help-seeking by students in over 375 student-led
chapters across the U.S.
I became involved with Active Minds because [personal explanation]. Our goal as the Active Minds chapter
at [school name] is to work as a liaison between students and the mental health community through
educational programming, promotion of resources and student-led grassroots advocacy.
This year marks the 10
year anniversary of Active Minds. Helps us continue to make the impact on student
lives at [school name] by supporting the only organization that uses the student voice to create change.
Active Minds relies entirely on individual donors so any amount you are able to give will go a long way. Your
gift is completely tax-exempt and will create lasting impact for the students as [school name]. I am
passionate about the work we do on campus, but am eager to do more to educate my peers.
I’d love to tell you more about what we do or answer any questions you might have if you have a minute to
chat over the phone but feel free to email me anytime as well. To learn more about the history and mission
of the organization, visit
Thank you in advance and take care,
Your Name Here


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