The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Subpoena Form


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Plymouth, SS.
You are hereby commanded in the name of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, to appear before the ___________________Court – Docket
#___________________holden _________________________________within
and for the county of ________________ on __________________day of
___________________, 200 (and at all times thereafter) at ________ o'clock in
the fore/afternoon, and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter
named is heard by said Court, to give evidence of what you know relating to an
action of __________________ then and there to be heard and tried between
____________________________, Plaintiff, and
____________________________, Defendant, and
Hereof fail not, as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties in
the law in that behalf made and provided.
Dated at _____________ the _________ day of _________________, 20___
Notary Public
My Commission expires ___________
If you have any questions, please contact:


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