Property Management Agreement Page 2


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(e) to render a monthly statement to Owner by the 30th of each month providing the
following information: leasing fee and/or commission deducted and all amounts collected
(d) to collect rents due or to become due and to give receipts;
(e) to render a monthly statement to Owner by the 30th of each month providing the
following information: leasing fee and/or commission deducted and all amounts collected
and disbursed.
3. The Owner hereby appoints Agent as Owner’s attorney in fact to do the following:
(a) conduct all business related to the lease or lease renewal for terms of up to one year (even
though the lease or renewal term shall extend beyond the term of this Agreement, and
(b) terminate tenancies and to sign and serve in the name of the Owner such notices as are
appropriate and to reinstate the lease if Agent determines that adequate remedy by the
tenants was performed; and
(c) institute and prosecute actions in the courts, if necessary, to evict tenants and to recover
possession of said Premises, to include filing all necessary legal documents with the
courts on behalf of the owner; and
(d) institute and prosecute actions in the courts to recover rents and other sums due and when
expedient, to settle, compromise and release such actions or suits; and
(e) institute and prosecute actions in the courts to recover other sums and damages as may be
due to owner, and
(f) hire, discharge and supervise all labor and employees required for the operation and
maintenance of the Premises; and
(g) enter into contracts for electricity, insect control, gas, fuel, water, window and/or hallway
cleaning, trash hauling and other services or such of them as the Agent shall deem
advisable; and
(h) make or cause to be made such repairs and/or alterations, and/or to have services
performed to the Premises as may be advisable or necessary, and to purchase such
supplies as may be necessary or advisable; and
(i) spend up to $ 350.00 (per item) without Owner’s prior consent to undertake any of the
foregoing set forth in subparagraphs (f) through (h) above; and
(j) under such circumstances as the Agent shall deem to be an emergency, the Agent is
authorized at the expense of the Owner, to make or cause to be made such repairs and/or
alterations to the Premises as may be advisable or necessary without the $350 per item
limitation set forth in paragraph (i) above.
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