Work Breakdown Structure Template Page 5


The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Dictionary is a document that describes each
component in the WBS by describing each element and the resources and processes
required to produce it.
<Include a general statement outlining the specific purpose of this document.>
2 WBS Element Definitions
WBS Code
WBS Element
[WBS code]
[WBS element name]
WBS Element Description
[include a brief definition of the WBS element (function, deliverable, etc.) associated
activities, milestones, and other information such as performance measurement criteria,
statement of work paragraph number, contract line item, start and end dates, resource
requirements, cost estimates, quality requirements, technical content, contact
information, revision history, etc.]
WBS Code
WBS Element
[WBS code]
[WBS element name]
WBS Element Description
[include a brief definition of the WBS element (function, deliverable, etc.) associated
activities, milestones, and other information such as performance measurement criteria,
statement of work paragraph number, contract line item, start and end dates, resource
requirements, cost estimates, quality requirements, technical content, contact
information, revision history, etc.]
WBS Code
WBS Element
[WBS code]
[WBS element name]
WBS Element Description
[include a brief definition of the WBS element (function, deliverable, etc.) associated
activities, milestones, and other information such as performance measurement criteria,
statement of work paragraph number, contract line item, start and end dates, resource
requirements, cost estimates, quality requirements, technical content, contact
information, revision history, etc.]
WBS Code
WBS Element
[WBS code]
[WBS element name]
WBS Element Description
[include a brief definition of the WBS element (function, deliverable, etc.) associated
activities, milestones, and other information such as performance measurement criteria,
statement of work paragraph number, contract line item, start and end dates, resource
requirements, cost estimates, quality requirements, technical content, contact
information, revision history, etc.]
Work Breakdown Structure (v1.0)
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