Birth Plan Worksheet Page 3


BabyCenter Birth Plan worksheet – page 3
During delivery, I'd like:
to view the birth using a mirror
to touch my baby's head as it crowns
the room to be as quiet as possible
to give birth without an episiotomy
my partner to help "catch" our baby
After birth, I'd like:
to hold my baby right away, putting off any procedures that aren't urgent
to breastfeed as soon as possible
not to get oxytocin (Pitocin) after I deliver the placenta unless it's
to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut
my partner to cut the umbilical cord
If I have a c-section, I'd like:
my partner present at all times during the operation
the screen lowered a bit so I can see my baby being delivered
the baby to be given to my partner as soon as he's dried, if appropriate
to breastfeed my baby in the recovery room
I'm planning to:
donate cord blood to a public bank
bank cord blood privately
After delivery, I'd like:
all newborn procedures to take place in my presence
my partner to stay with the baby at all times if I can't be there
to stay in a private room
to have a cot provided for my partner
I'd like:
24-hour rooming-in with my baby
my baby to room-in with me only when I'm awake
my baby brought to me for feedings only
to make my decision later depending on how I'm feeling
my other children brought in to see me and meet the new baby as soon as
possible after the birth.


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