Equipment Rental Template Page 2

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broken or damaged due to improper use or carelessness the deposit will be withheld.
Dirty or wet gear is subject to a $______ charge. Deposits in the form of cash, check
or credit card are accepted.
If the cost of repair or replacement exceeds the amount of deposit held, additional
charges will be the responsibility of the renter.
These additional charges will be made with cash, check, credit card, or be turned over to
a collection agency if necessary.
DEPOSIT TOTAL (including all equipment):
Card Type: ___Visa ___MasterCard ___Discover Card (Check One)
Card Number: ________-________-________-________ Exp. Date: _____-_____
Name on Card: _____________________________________________________
Billing Address: ____________________________________________________
I fully understand that there are certain dangers involved in the use of this equipment that
are beyond the control of ______________ and its employees, which may result in
accident, injury, death or property damage either to myself or other persons.
-I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the safe and proper loading of my
equipment rented either in or on my vehicle.
-I acknowledge that improper loading and attachment of my rental canoe may result in
damage to my vehicle, vehicles around me, and the rental items themselves.
-I release ________________ and its staff from all liability for any assistance provided in
loading or securing rental equipment.
I agree to assume sole liability for any injuries or damages received while using
___________________________________ equipment. I agree to release, indemnify and
hold harmless ______________________________ and its officers, agents or employees
from any and all liability or costs associated with or arising from renting the equipment
mentioned above.
SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ DATE: _______________


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