Aau Event Planning Checklist Page 2


Establish a time line.
To run a successful event, you must have a plan. Create a time line that leads up to the
event and shows each task that must be accomplished, the deadline for accomplishing
it, and the person responsible.
Select a date.
Select a date and time that are convenient for your target audience. Avoid religious or
government holidays or dates when other community events, including those at local
colleges and universities, are scheduled. This date may change depending upon your
location and the availability of speakers.
Choose a location.
Choose an accessible site that will attract your target audience, such as a school or
community center. Be sure the location is wheelchair-accessible.
Brainstorm about ways to save money.
Ask speakers if they will donate their time. Create relationships with local copy shops
and discuss the possibility of getting free printing in return for advertising the shop’s
name on the back of your brochures or flyers. Ask a local college or community center
to let you hold the event at no charge. Be innovative!
Appoint committees and committee chairs.
At a minimum, you should appoint committees for programming, coalition outreach,
community and media promotion, and registration. If you are serving refreshments,
appoint a committee to be responsible for that part of the event. Prepare checklists of
committee responsibilities to make sure everyone understands her or his duties and to
avoid task overlap.
Select and invite speakers, panelists, moderators, and other participants.
Whenever possible, choose nonpartisan, credible individuals who will bring media
attention to the event. Speakers should represent a variety of ages, ethnic backgrounds,
and physical abilities. Participants could include a coalition partner, legislators, or an
expert on women’s issues. Invite participants well in advance of the event and be
specific about what you want them to do. Ask if they will appear at no charge, but if you
want them badly enough, be prepared to offer to pay travel, hotel, and dining expenses
or a stipend. Be sure to confirm and reconfirm with them before the event.


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