Consignment Agreement Form Page 2


conditioned on our approval and receipt by the purchaser from us of
a sales confirmation. You shall undertake sales on credit only to
customers you judge to be good credit risks.
7. Compensation. You shall be allowed as compensation the
amount of the difference between our consignment invoice price to
you and the price for which you sell the goods to customers.
8. Return of Goods. At all times, consigned goods shall be
subject to our direction and control. Upon our demand for the
return of any unsold Goods consigned to you, you shall promptly
return such Goods to us. In the event you find any consigned Goods
to be unsalable, you may return them to us with our prior consent
in writing. We shall bear the expense of the return of any
consigned goods.
9. Records. You shall keep accurate records showing: all
goods received from us on consignment with the consignment invoice
price, all sales to customers with the names of the customers,
quantities purchased, and the terms of sale, all consigned goods
remaining on had with you, all goods returned by or repossessed
from customers together with credits allowed, and all goods
returned to us and credits allowed. You shall allow our
representatives to have access to such records on demand and shall
permit them at reasonable times to inventory the consigned goods in
your possession.
10. Accounting and Remittance. You shall render to us not
later than the ______________(___) day of each month an accurate,
detailed account of all sales of goods made from the consigned
stock the previous month, together with returns and repossessions,
if any. Simultaneously with such accounting, you shall remit to us
a sum equal to the consignment invoice price of all goods sold.
11. Insurance. You shall keep the goods insured at the full
wholesale list price against damage, destruction, and loss of every
kind while the goods are in your possession and shall cause us to
be the beneficiaries of such insurance together with you. You
shall deposit copies of the current insurance policies with us.
12. Term. This Agreement shall continue in force until
terminated. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time
by giving the other party ______________(____) days' notice in
writing in advance of the termination date. Upon the giving
of a notice of termination, you shall return to us within the
_____________(____) day period all consigned goods remaining unsold


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