Letter Of Intent For Internship Template Page 4


6. Research Experience (if any)
- include where the research was done, the principal investigator/mentor, your title, and the dates of
- in one sentence define the study or project (e.g., ‘This study looked at the correlates of emotion
dysregulation and invalidating environments in a borderline personality disorder patient population.’)
- on a separate line articulate all ‘responsibilities’ or ‘duties’
- if position was paid, indicate this
7. Professional Affiliations
e.g., APA, CAMFT (include dates)
Other sections?
‘Community (or) Volunteer Experience’ – is an OK section, but usually is better placed in clinical exp.
‘Hobbies’ or ‘Interests’ – this is a style thing. I personally am not a fan of it…
‘Objective’ or ‘Mission’ – this is not typically on a CV and is more of a resume thing … best left out
‘Professional Training’ – this section comes after Education. It is okay to include but keep to a
minimum (no CPR training).
Other sections?
‘Additional Professional Experience’ - a good section to have (after research and before the prof.
affill.), but only used when you have changed careers (e.g., previous management, law exp.)
‘Additional Relevant Experience’ – A good section if you speak a second language or if you want to
point out related experience (e.g., with children: tutoring, summer camp counselor, baby sitting)
- references
- list the name, title, address, phone, and email address to all of your letter writers
Teaching Experience (if any)
- include where the teaching was done, the course title, the instructor’s name (if it was not you), and
the dates of the course
-in one sentence define the class (e.g., ‘This undergraduate course focused on the etiology and
maintenance of mental illness including depressive, anxiety and Axis II disorders.)
- on a separate line articulate all ‘responsibilities’ or ‘duties’
Letter of Employment Application - CV Cover Letter
From :
Address : ________,
Contact Numbers,
Home : __________,
Cell :
e-mail : __________,
Date :
Dept. of Human Resources
Company Name ________,
City, State, Zip ________.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am particularly interested in a career with your organization because of your excellent reputation, as
having one of the ten best executive training programs in the industry. Its my firm belief that I can
offer your company strong interpersonal skills, organizational ability and retail sales experience.
As a sales executive, I developed effective selling techniques, resulting in consistently exceeding my
store's quotas. Through extensive contact with customers, assisting in merchandising and performance


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