Letter Of Intent For Internship Template Page 3


1. CV is a summary of education and training including:
- name
- contact information (office/home address)
- education
- awards, Publications and/or Presentations (if any)
- clinical experience
- research experience (if any)
- other professional experience and/or additional relevant experience
- professional affiliations
- references
2. usually, any CV should be brief (approximately 2-4 pages, depending on your experience)
and should:
- be concise and to the point
- include all relevant experiences
- highlight strengths
- give a good clear sense of your experiences
- be professional
- not have any typos (= typographical errors)
- a CV is not a Resume
3. resumes are short, CVs longer
CVs include more details about your experiences than resumes do
because they are more academic in nature with CVs there is generally less of a concern with ‘gaps’ in
time (e.g., if you were abroad for a year)
style issues (e.g., font, paper) are much less important with CVs
CVs and Style
- readers are interested in content, not so much in its aspect, yet it should be easy to read
- separate the dates from the details
- separate the place of employment, position title, and duties from each other in a way that’s easy to
read (using bold, italics, etc.)
- start each section with most recent position
- no need for pronouns (e.g., ‘I’ conducted…)
5. Ordering info
contact Info
- top of first page (name, address, phone and email)
-list each university (most recent first) with dates and degree
SFSU’s should state M.S. expected May 2007
awards, publications, presentations (if any; don’t fret if you don’t have these)
- only include awards that are academic in nature
clinical experience
- include placement name, your position title, and the dates of service
- in one sentence define the placement
- on a separate line articulate all ‘responsibilities’ or ‘duties’ - usually 1-3 sentences max
- if position was paid, indicate this
- some people encourage listing your supervisors in a separate line


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