Letter Of Intent For Internship Template Page 2


your requested purchase price of $75,000, which includes both the business and all the
equipment necessary to operate it, as per our discussion.
We would like to meet with you next Thursday, June 3rd, to finalize the sale. We will bring all
the necessary paperwork, signed and completed, and we will tender payment, as agreed. At
that meeting, we will also set a date that will not exceed thirty (30) days for when we will take
over the operation.
Typed name
Writing your Letter of Intent
Your letter of intent will have two purposes. First, it will be submitted with your application
packet for admission consideration to the UCDC program. Second, (if admitted to the
program), your letter of intent will be converted into a cover letter and sent by you, along with
your resume and other requested documents (i.e. reference letters, transcripts) to potential
internship organizations.
You may address your letter of intent generally to the “Internship Coordinator” (or if known,
to a specific individual). You can focus your letter on a general career field OR if known, a
specific organization/employer with whom you plan to apply. The example provided can be
used as a general guide for format and content.
Suggested key points to discuss in your letter:
Name the career field or organization/employer with whom you are interested in applying to
and for which quarter
Share why you're interested in working with that particular organization/employer or career
Indicate how you can contribute your personal strengths, skills, and educational background
to that organization/employer or career field
Use specific examples of technical or general skills, knowledge, experience (paid or unpaid),
languages, and computer software that are relevant to the field
Discuss how you think your career and academic goals will be supported by the experience of
the internship
Remember this letter could also serve as your writing sample. Potential "employers" have
neither the time nor the desire to read long letters. Be sure that your letter is well-written,
edited and approximately 350 words long (3/4 to 1 page in length).
Please note: The “sample letter of intent” discusses skills/qualifications relevant to a
particular position. This is NOT a template. Please write your own original letter.
Contents of a Curriculum Vitae


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