Clinical Task List Page 6


3) Partial thromboplastin time
4 Fibrinogen assay
*h. Perform blood chemistry tests BUN, glucose, common species
I. Perform serologic tests
*1) Collect and prepare serum sample
*2) Perform tests using ELISA methodology
*3 Perform various types of slide/card agglutinations
Perform parasitologic procedures
*a. Collect samples
b. Test for external parasites
*1) Prepare sample
2) Identify
- *Mites
- *Lice
- *Ticks
- *Fleas
- *Flies
c. Test for internal parasites
*1) Prepare solutions & perform fecal flotations
*2) Perform fecal sedimentation
*3) Perform direct smears
4) Scotch tape retrieval of pinworm ova
Identify common adult parasites, their ova, & apply knowledge of
common parasite life cycles,
- *Nematodes
- *Trematodes
- *Cestodes
- *Protozoa
Perform coprologic tests
Perform microbiologic procedures
*a. Collect representative samples
b. Perform bacteriologic procedures
*1) Culture bacteria & perform sensitivity tests
*2) Identify common animal pathogens using commercially available
media and reagents
*3) Perform common biochemical tests
*4 Perform staining procedures
*c. Culture and identify common dermatophytes
Perform necropsy procedures
*a. Perform prosection on non-preserved animal
*b. Collect samples, store and ship according to laboratory protocols
*c. Explain how to handle rabies suspects & samples safely
d. Handle disposal of dead animals
e. Perform euthanasia procedures
Perform cytologic procedures
*a. Collect, prepare, and evaluate canine vaginal smears
b. Assist in collecting, preparing, and appropriately evaluating
transudate, exudate, & cytologic specimens (joint, cerebrospinal, airway
& body cavity
c. Perform fine needle tissue aspirates and impression smears
1) Prepare & stain specimens for veterinarian's evaluation


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