Clinical Task List Page 5


Explain principles of orphan animal care
Provide nursing care to newborns
Clean and dress wounds or abscesses
Prepare mare for vaginal examination & cervical culture
Trim hooves
a. Ruminant
b. Horses
Perform urinalysis
a. Determine physical properties
*1) Color
*2) Clarity
*3) Specific gravity - refractometer
*b. Test chemical properties using dipstick & tablet tests
*c. Examine and identify sediment
Perform hematologic evaluations
*a. Collect samples for procedures
*b. Perform CBC
*1) Hemoglobin
*2) Hematocrit
*3) Total protein (refractometer)
4) White cell count
*automated cell counter
5) Red cell count - *PCV or electronic cell counter
6) Microscopic exam
- *Prepare blood film
- *Stain using a variety of techniques
- *Perform leukocyte differential-normal/abnormal
- *Perform erythrocyte morphologic evaluation-normal/abnormal
- *Estimate platelet count
- *Calculate absolute values
- *Perform white blood cell correction for nucleated red cells
c. Perform reticulocyte count
d. Perform platelet count
*e. Calculate hematologic indices
f. Identify blood parasites
1) Dirofilaria sp/Dipetalonema sp
- *Direct blood exam
- *Hematocrit tube method
- *Knotts test
- *Filter test
- *Antigen kit
*2) Haemobartonella sp
3) Anaplasma sp
4) Babesia sp
5) Trypanosoma sp
6) Eperythrozoon sp
7 Ehrlichia
*g. Perform one of the following coagulation tests
1) Clotting time and/or ACT (Activated Clotting Time) test
2) One-step prothrombin time


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