Clinical Task List Page 2


*2) apply Elizabethan collar
*3 apply restraint pole
*b. Place and restrain small animals on tables
*c. Halter, tie, and lead horses and cattle
*d. Restrain birds
*e. Restrain cattle & horses
* 1) apply twitch (horses)
*2) apply bovine tail restraint
*3 apply nose tongs/leads
f. Restrain sheep and swine
Load large animals
*Auscultate heart and lungs using a stethoscope
Identify common grains and forages
Identify common poisonous plants
These procedures are intended to be suggestive of those that may be common in a
veterinary practice and the technician's education may not necessarily be limited to the items listed.
It is essential that technicians have knowledge of routine surgical procedures and
related equipment. Direct involvement with all procedures will not be required, but students should have an
experience with most of those listed.
*a. Ovariohysterectomy - dogs & cats
b. Cesarean section - all common species
c. Orthopedic procedures
d. Orchiectomy - all common species, *required for dog and cat
e. Tail docking
f. Onychectomy - dogs & cats
g. Laparotomy - all common species
h. Dystocias in common species
I. Dehorning - cattle & goats
j. Prolapsed organs - common types, species, & incidence
Perform surgical preparations
*a. Prepare surgical equipment/supplies
*b. Sterilize instruments & supplies using appropriate methods
*c. Identify and know proper use for instruments
*d. Identify common suture materials, types, and sizes
*e. Prepare gowns, masks, gloves, & drapes
*f. Prepare surgical sites using aseptic techniques
* Operate & maintain autoclaves
*h. Provide operating room sanitation & care
*i. Position patients (common procedures)
*j. Secure catheters
Perform as surgical assistant or circulating nurse
*a. Properly pass instruments and supplies
*b. Maintain proper operating room conduct and asepsis
*c. Assist with care of exposed tissues and organs
*d. Keep operative records
e. Operate/maintain/suction and cautery machines
f. Operate and maintain fiberoptic equipment
Assist with anesthesia under supervision
*a. Calculate and administer preoperative medications
*Complete controlled substance log


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