Contractor Proposal Template


Contractor Proposal
Date: ____/____/______
Submitted To: ______________________________ Of Company:_________________________
City, State, ZIP: _________________________________________________________________
Good Until: ____/____/______ Job: Name / Number: __________________________________
Date of Plans: ____/____/______ Approximate Start Date: ____/____/______
Architect: ________________________________ Approximate End Date: ____/____/______
We hereby submit the following specifications and estimates for:
This proposal does not include:
We propose to furnish material and labor to complete the above specifications, for the sum of:
Payments are to be made as follows: _______________________________________________
Contractor’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Acceptance of Proposal: The above price, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are
hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as
listed above.
Owner’s Signature: _________________________________________Date: ________________
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