Library Lesson Plan
curriculum code
grade level
The “A, B, C’s” of Alphabetical Order
To learn that Easy/Everybody and Fiction books are shelved in alphabetical order by
Posters with spine labels/call letters for both Easy/Everybody and Fiction books.
At least one book from both the Easy/Everybody and Fiction sections.
Begin by telling students, “All of the books in a library are arranged on the shelves in a
specific order depending on what type of book they are. Every book has its own special
place on the shelf---------------its very own address.”
Hold up an Easy/Everybody book and tell students, “I am holding an Easy/Everybody
book. Easy/Everybody books have spine labels with call letters on their spines that look
like this.” Point to the spine label on the book, and follow-up by showing the poster with
the Easy/Everybody spine label.
Hold up a Fiction book and tell students, “This is a Fiction book. Fiction books also
have spine labels with call letters on their spines that look like this.” Point to the spine
label on the book, and follow-up by showing the poster with the Fiction book spine
Proceed by telling the students, “The call letters on the spine labels of these books tell
you important information about the book. The top letter, or group of letters, on the
spine label tells you what kind of a book it is (either Easy/Everybody of Fiction), and
where the book would be located in the library (i.e. Easy/Everybody books are shelved
and located in the library’s Easy/Everybody section, and Fiction books are shelved and
located in the library’s Fiction section).”
Holding up the posters of the spine label examples once more, point to the bottom group
of letters and say, “The bottom group of letters on the spine labels are the first three
letters of the author’s last name. These letters are especially important as all of the books
in both the Easy/Everybody and Fiction sections of the library are arranged in
alphabetical order by the author’s last name.
Knowing the order in which Easy/Everybody and Fiction books are shelved makes
locating a particular book on the shelf much easier, as every book has its very own
address on the shelf.”
Follow-up lessons might include: 1) reviewing basic rules of alphabetizing; 2) making
task cards with letters and/or words of varying degrees of difficulty for the students to
arrange in correct order; and 3) making task cards for Easy/Everybody and Fiction
books which include on each card, the call letters, title and author of a book, and have
the students locate as many books as they can within the allotted time period.