Verification Of Student Admission Information (For Student Residing With Parent Or Guardian)/proof Of Residency Form Page 2


Student Residency Questionnaire
Student ID
Red Oak Independent School District
This questionnaire is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435. The answers to this residency information help
determine the services the student may be eligible to receive. A questionnaire must be completed for each child enrolling in the Red
Oak Independent School District.
Presenting a false record or falsifying records is an offense under Section 37.10, Penal code, and enrollment of the child under false
documents subjects the person to liability for tuition or other costs. TEC Sec. 25.002(3) (d)
Name of Student _________________________________________________________________________ Gender:
Birth Date:
School: _______________________________________ Grade: __________
Check the box that best describes with whom the student resides (Please note: Legal guardianship may be granted only by a court. Students
living on their own or with friends or relatives who do not have legal guardianship are allowed to enroll in and attend school. The school
cannot require proof of guardianship for enrollment or continued attendance.)
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s)
Caregiver(s) who are not legal guardian(s) How long? _______
(Example: friends, relatives, parents of friends, etc)
Name of person with whom student resides: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________
Check one box that best describes where the student is presently living. (Please note: Proof of residency is not required for students who
live in temporary situations due to loss of housing or economic hardship)
In my own house or apartment, in Section 8 housing, or in military housing with parent(s), legal guardian(s), or caregiver(s)
In the home of a friend or relative because I lost my housing(Examples: fire, flood, lost job, divorce, domestic violence, kicked out
by parents, parent in military and was deployed, parents(s) in jail, etc.) Name of Apartments___________________________________
In a Shelter because I do not have permanent housing (Example: living in a family shelter, domestic violence shelter, children/youth
shelter, FEMA housing) in Transitional Housing (housing that is available for a specific length of time only and is partly or completely
paid for by a church, a nonprofit organization, or another organization)
In a motel/hotel (because of economic hardship, eviction, cannot get deposits for permanent home, flood, fire, hurricane, etc.)
Name of motel ___________________________________________________City__________________________________________
Unsheltered (Examples: in a tent, car, van, abandoned building, on the streets, at a campground, in the park, or other unsheltered
Please provide the following information for school-age siblings (brothers and/or sisters) of the student:
Parent/Legal Guardian/Unaccompanied Youth __________________________________________________ Date ____________________
For school use only
1. If this child has immediate needs, the parent/student may call the Student Family Services office at 972-617-4658 for services
2. If any of the boxes A-D are checked, immediately scan and email the completed form to the District Homeless Liaison, Donna Knight at
for approval and Food Service authorization
Other needs expressed by the student, parent or guardian ________________________________________________________________________________
Interviewer ______________________________________________________Referral Date __________________Entry Date _________________________


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