Verification Of Student Admission Information (For Student Residing With Parent Or Guardian)/proof Of Residency Form Page 12


Student’s Name:
Updated: 4-2015
Parents/guardians should make every effort to give required prescription and non-prescription medications to a student
at home. When this is not possible, the ROISD staff may assist in the administration of medication during school
hours, subject to the following rules.
Parent permission: The parent or legal guardian must provide the school with written permission to have the school
administer the medication. This note should include the name of the medication, the dosage, the time and dates to be
given, the student’s name, a parent’s signature, and the date signed. This note will remain in student’s file.
Prescription medications: All prescription medication is to be delivered to the clinic by a guardian or parent and must be in
original containers and be properly labeled. A properly labeled prescription is one with a pharmacy label stating the
student’s name, name of medication, dosage to be administered, doctor’s name, and the date prescription filled. To
protect the students, staff shall not administer medication in a dosage that exceeds the recommended maximum in the
Physicians’ Desk Reference. This request is valid for current school year only. All controlled substances (example,
Ritalin,) must be picked up and delivered by responsible adult. . (Exception is “self medicated student” as with
inhalers or diabetes medication).
Non-prescription medication. Over the counter medications will be given upon a written request by parent or legal
guardian for five (5) consecutive days. All “over the counter” medications must be delivered by a responsible adult. No
medication will leave the nurse’s office in the hands of a child. In addition all “over the counter” medications must be
properly labeled, in the original container and non-expired. If needed over 5 (five) consecutive days a Physician’s
authorization to continue the medication will be required.
Special agents, such as herbs, vitamins, amino acids or homeopathic remedies:
Only if required by the Individualized Education Program or Section 504 plan of a student with disabilities, is age
appropriate and provided by the parent.
Such substances must be presented to the nurse in the original container and must not be older than the expiration
date on the container. In addition, the following shall be submitted to the District before any herbal substances or
dietary supplements are administered to a student:
A physician description of substance’s content and possible adverse effects;
The parent’s written request to administer the substance; and
Specific instruction for use of the substance.
Special note: The school nurse will not be obligated to administer any non FDA approved substance for which she has
no training, knowledge or familiarity (as in accordance with the Texas Board of Nurse Examiner regulations).
Expired medication: the school will not dispense any expired medications.
Transportation of medication: All medications are to be delivered by an adult to the nurse. No medication will be carried
home by your child. (Exception: self medicated students) (See “Self medication below) All medication must be picked
up and delivered by a responsible adult.
Locked cabinet: All medication will be stored and locked in the clinic or office area as designated by the principal or nurse in
charge. The campus nurse/nurse assistant (or designee of the principal) will dispense all medications and it is the
responsibility of the student to report to the clinic to take his/her medication at the proper time.
Unused medication: All unused medication will be destroyed one week after the dosage date or at the end of the year, unless
picked up by responsible adult. A parent or guardian must deliver and pick up all medications, including controlled
substances; such as Ritalin…this is required due to increasing drug problems and selling of controlled substances.
Field trips: Medication policy and regulations will be observed on all off-campus trips. Persons responsible for such trips
will observe and communicate these regulations to students and parents.
Self medication: students shall not administer any medication to themselves except with a physician’s order stating the child
needs to carry this medication with him/her at all times. The student must demonstrate the proper administration of the
medication and show responsible behavior on carrying his/her medication at all times…otherwise this privilege can be
taken away and they will have to see the nurse for treatment.
Documentation: The school nurse shall keep a separate Medication Administration Record for each student, which includes
name, medication, dosage, times to be given, signature of person administering the medication and parent permission.
Read by ______________________________________ date: _________________________


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