Follow Up After The Interview Sample Page 4


What to do if you don't hear from the employer
Before your interview ended, your interviewer should have informed you of the organization's
follow-up procedures — from whom (same person who interviewed you, someone else), by
what means (phone, e-mail, etc.), and when you would hear again from the organization. If the
interviewer did not tell you, and you did not ask, use your follow-up / thank-you letter to ask.
If more than a week has passed beyond the date when you were told you would hear
something from the employer (and barring some major event in the news like a merger or
acquisition or other event that would be taking employees' attention), call or e-mail to politely
inquire about the status of the organization's decision-making process. Someone (or something)
or an unexpected circumstance may be holding up the process. A polite inquiry shows that you
are still interested in the organization and may prompt the employer to get on schedule with a
response. In your inquiry, mention the following: name of the person who interviewed you, time
and place of the interview, position for which you are applying (if known), and ask the status of
your application.
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