Residential Real Estate Purchase Contract Page 3


The Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer that:
the Seller has the legal right to sell the Property,
the Attached Goods and Unattached Goods are in normal working order;
the Seller is not a non-resident of Canada for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada);
the current use of the Land complies with the existing municipal land use bylaw;
the Buildings and other improvements on the Land are not placed partly or wholly on any easement or utility right-of-way and are
entirely on the Land and do not encroach on neighbouring lands, except where an encroachment agreement is in place; and
the location of Buildings and other improvements on the Land complies with all relevant municipal bylaws, regulations or relaxations
granted by the appropriate municipality prior to the Completion Day, or the Buildings and other improvements on the Land are "non-
conforming buildings" as that term is defined in the Municipal Government Act (Alberta).
All of the warranties contained in this Contract and any attached Schedules are made as of and will be true at the Completion Day, unless
otherwise agreed in writing.
Any action relating to a warranty or representation in this Contract must be started within one (1) year from the Completion Day. 6.4 The Seller
and the Buyer each acknowledge that, except as otherwise described in this Contract, there are no other warranties, representations or
collateral agreements made by or with the other party, the Seller's brokerage and the Buyer's brokerage about the Property, any neighbouring
lands, and this transaction, including any warranty, representation or collateral agreement relating to the size/measurements of the Land and
Buildings or the existence or non-existence of any environmental condition or problem.
All time periods, deadlines and dates in this Contract shall be strictly followed and enforced. All times will be Alberta time unless otherwise
This Contract is for the benefit of and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of the individual parties and the
successors and assigns of corporate parties.
All changes of number and gender shall be made where required.
Portions of this Contract may be enforced even if the Contract has ended.
The following Schedules form part of this Contract:
____ Financing Schedule
____Property Schedule
Additional terms of sale (if any): ________________________________________________________________________
The Buyer's Conditions are:
The Buyer will apply and be approved for New Financing as follows:
loan amount $__________________ (plus mortgage insurance fee, if required), interest rate not to exceed
_______________(________%) percent a year calculated semi-annually not in advance
a term of not less than________________ years
payment of $_______________________
payments to include taxes _____Yes _____ No
The Buyer will pay for all costs associated with the New Financing including the costs to prepare and register any New Financing
Before 9 p.m. on _____________________________________(the "Condition Day").
This Contract is subject to the Buyer's approval of a Property Inspection as per attached Property Inspection Schedule. _____Yes
_____ No
Before 9 p.m. on _____________________________________ (the "Condition Day").
This Contract is subject to the Buyer's Condition regarding Condominium Documents, as per attached Property Schedule.
_______ No
Before 9 p.m. on _____________________________________ (the "Condition Day").
This Contract is subject to the sale of the Buyer's home, as per attached "Sale of Buyer's Home" Schedule.
_____ Yes
________ No
Before 9 p.m. on _____________________________________ (the "Condition Day").


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