Research Project Planning System Page 3


benefits should be brief and describe how project results will directly influence resource
management activities or conservation policy decisions. The evaluation approach will be
brief and focus on methods, particularly in regard to experimental design, sampling
techniques, sample sizes, and analytical procedures. A relatively detailed budget also will be
The complete preliminary proposal will be reviewed by a supervisor. If approved, the
proposal is submitted to the Liasion in electronic format at least two weeks before it is
verbally presented to RSD staff and others for critical review. The Liasion will distribute
copies of the proposal to RSD staff, and the project leader will distribute copies to other
appropriate MDC staff as well as staff in other agencies. The project leader is responsible for
scheduling and announcing the verbal presentation of the proposal (the Round I review) and
the principal investigator is responsible for presenting the proposal. In the case of graduate
student projects, the academic advisor or designee will present the proposal (Note: the
student later develops and presents the full proposal).
The purpose of the verbal presentation is constructive critical review by RSD staff and others
in attendance. A supervisor will facilitate each Round 1 review and will ensure that
discussion remains focused on the objectives, justification, expected benefits, and evaluation
approach (revisit questions in Step 1 above). All supervisors are expected to attend as
schedules allow. Immediately following the review, the project team, facilitator, and
supervisors will discuss audience comments and determine if enough information was
presented to evaluate project merit (Note: the facilitator will submit a written summary of
this discussion to the project team within one week.). The Leadership Team will determine if
the preliminary proposal will proceed to the next step: full proposal development.
For proposals by staff from MDC or other agencies, proceed to step 5.
For proposals by college or university students, proceed to step 6.
5. The Full Proposal and Round II Critical Review
The project leader and project team will expand the preliminary proposal to include the
operational details that fully describe the evaluation. The full proposal should be such that a
new principal investigator replacing the original could expeditiously continue the evaluation
to successful completion. In addition, five additional elements will be elaborated (Appendix
B). An RSD database manager will be consulted to develop metadata, variable codes, and
database structures. Potential cooperators will be identified as will potential sources of
“external” (non-MDC) funds. The team should describe briefly how project information will
be transferred to managers, researchers, policy makers, administrators, educators, the media,
or citizens. If mammals or birds will be held in captivity, the capture methods, restraint
procedures, and holding facilities will be described in detail.
The project leader and team will be responsible for ensuring that constructive critical review
of the completed full proposal (the Round II review) occurs not only within the team but also


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