Dear Programmer,
The Student Committee for the Arts at UCLA (SCA) is a student-run programming organization that serves
as the student division of the nationally renowned CAP UCLA. SCA is one of the most active organizations
on campus, seeking to make the performing arts accessible and affordable for UCLA students by:
Subsidizing and marketing student tickets to CAP UCLA events.
Producing a variety of on-campus programs and activities
Supporting other student organizations and arts related entities on campus.
One of our most rewarding functions is producing on-campus events. Listed below are the steps you must
take in order to have the Student Committee for the Arts approve co-promotion with your organization. You
should begin the proposal process as soon as possible, and keep in mind that the executive committee is
available to answer and any questions.
1) Complete all sections of the UCLA Student Committee for the Arts Event Proposal Form.
2) Submit your completed form to the Student Committee’s Staff Advisor by Monday, at least one
week prior to when you would like to make your presentation to the Committee.
3) The Staff Advisor & Executive Committee will schedule a meeting regarding your proposal.
4) Following your advisory meeting, make all necessary changes to your Event Proposal Form.
Submit the revised proposal by noon on Friday.
5) After these changes have been approved, your proposal will be put on the agenda for our next
general meeting. These meetings take place on Tuesday nights from 6:00 pm – 9:00pm; if you are
not a member, please arrive promptly at 6:00pm.
6) During the meeting your will have no more than 10 minutes to present your proposal. You may
include any pictures, slides or videos that will be helpful in giving the Committee a better idea of
what your event is about.
7) There will be time for the Committee members to ask question regarding your proposal.
8) The Committee will take one week to review and discuss your proposal. We require that at least
four (4) committee members show interest in forming a subcommittee. If there are not at least four
interested members, the proposal will not be voted upon. Only programs that involve the SCA in
every aspect of the event production will be considered.
9) The Committee will vote on the proposal, voting is done on a vote of a two-thirds majority of the
present quorum. The committee may approve, deny, amend, or table your proposal.
10) Upon approval of your event, you must meet with the Staff Advisor and your Subcommittee to
discuss a timeline of events for your program, review University Rules and Regulations, and review
the Student Committee’s policies. The Subcommittee will report to the Committee on your
programs’ progress at Monday night meetings, act as the liaison between you and the Staff Advisor,
and assist you in programming your event.
Good luck with your program and we look forward to hearing from you.
The Executive Committee
Spencer Davis
Cody McNamara
Theodore Perkins
Staff Advisor
[Student Committee for the Arts]