Instructions For Form 8233 - 2016


Instructions for Form 8233
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. October 2016)
(Use with the March 2009 revision of Form 8233.)
Exemption From Withholding on Compensation for Independent (and Certain
Dependent) Personal Services of a Nonresident Alien Individual
Section references are to the Internal
compensatory scholarship or fellowship
but are in the nature of self-employment.
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
income) received from the same
For each tax year, the professor must
withholding agent.
complete and give a separate Form
General Instructions
8233 to the withholding agent at each
Do not use Form 8233 if you
institution in order to claim tax treaty
have an office in the United
Future Developments
benefits on the separate items of
States regularly available to you
income, if the treaty so permits.
for performing personal services.
For the latest information about
developments related to Form 8233 and
Additional information. You can
its instructions, such as legislation
download the complete text of most
Nonresident Alien
enacted after they were published, go to
U.S. tax treaties at Enter “Tax
If you are an alien individual (that is, an
treaties” in the search box. Click “United
individual who is not a U.S. citizen),
If you are a “resident of a treaty
States Income Tax Treaties--A to Z.”
specific rules apply to determine if you
country,” you must know the
Technical explanations for many of
terms of the tax treaty between
are a resident alien or a nonresident
those treaties are also available on that
alien for tax purposes. Generally, you
the United States and the treaty country
are a resident alien if you meet either
to properly complete Form 8233.
General information about tax
the “green card test” or the “substantial
treaties is available at
presence test” for the calendar year.
What’s New
Any person not meeting either test is
treaties. Also, see Pub. 901 for a quick
generally a nonresident alien.
New fax number. There is a new fax
reference guide to the provisions of U.S.
Additionally, an alien individual who
number withholding agents must use to
tax treaties.
qualifies as a “resident of a treaty
submit Form 8233 by fax. See
You can get any of the forms or
country” (defined later) or a bona fide
Withholding Agent’s Responsibilities,
publications referred to in these
resident of Puerto Rico, Guam, the
instructions by downloading them from
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Individual taxpayer identification
or ordering
Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or
number (ITIN). You may need to
them from orderforms.
American Samoa is a nonresident alien
renew your ITIN . See Expired ITIN,
Giving Form 8233 to the
For more information on the tests
Withholding Agent
Purpose of Form
used to determine resident alien or
You must complete Form 8233:
nonresident alien status, see Pub. 519.
In general, section 1441 requires 30%
For each tax year (be sure to specify
income tax withholding on
Even though a nonresident alien
the tax year in the space provided
compensation for independent personal
individual married to a U.S.
above Part I of the form),
services (defined later). Sections 1441,
citizen or resident alien can
For each withholding agent, and
3401, and 3402 require withholding,
choose to be treated as a resident alien
For each type of income. However,
sometimes at 30% and sometimes at
for certain purposes (for example, filing
you can use one Form 8233 to claim a
graduated rates, on compensation for
a joint income tax return), such
tax treaty withholding exemption for
dependent personal services (defined
individual is still treated as a
both compensation for personal
later). However, some payments may
nonresident alien for withholding tax
services (including compensatory
be exempt from withholding because of
scholarship or fellowship income) and
a tax treaty or because the payments
noncompensatory scholarship or
are not more than your personal
U.S. Person
fellowship income received from the
exemption amount (defined later).
For purposes of this form, a U.S. person
same withholding agent.
Complete and give Form 8233 to your
is a U.S. citizen or resident alien.
withholding agent if some or all of your
Give the form to the withholding
Tax Treaty Withholding
compensation is exempt from
agent. The withholding agent's
responsibilities are discussed in the Part
IV instructions.
You can use Form 8233 to claim a
This term refers to an exemption from
tax treaty withholding exemption for
Example. A nonresident alien is
withholding permitted by IRS
noncompensatory scholarship or
primarily present in the United States as
regulations under section 1441 that is
fellowship income only if you also are
a professor, but also is occasionally
based on a tax treaty benefit. See
claiming a tax treaty withholding
invited to lecture at other educational
Resident of a Treaty Country next for
exemption for compensation for
institutions. These lectures are not
requirements for claiming a tax treaty
personal services (including
connected with his teaching obligations
benefit on this form.
Oct 18, 2016
Cat. No. 22663B


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