Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 7


Part IV. Balance Sheet
The allocation of items of income or loss from the
current year between Excluded Income and NII
Complete the balance sheet using the accounting method
should be reported on line 28 after the application of
the trust uses in keeping its books and records. All filers must
the gain and loss netting rules outlined in Part II-A of
complete columns (a) and (b). Also, all charitable remainder
Schedule A, later. In certain situations, NII losses may reduce
unitrusts must complete column (c). A charitable remainder
Excluded Income due to the netting rules. Therefore, those
unitrust must complete column (c). A charitable lead unitrust
rules should be applied before entering amounts on line 28.
may, but isn't required to, show the fair market value of its
assets in column (c).
Note. If the CRT elects to use the Simplified Net Investment
Enter the end-of-year book value where space is provided
Income Calculation, then report all income or loss from Part I
to the left of column (a) to report receivables and the related
in the Excluded Income column and leave the NII column
allowance for doubtful accounts or depreciable assets and
empty. See the instructions for the Simplified Net Investment
accumulated depreciation. Enter the net amounts in column
Income Calculation Election in Part I-B of Schedule A, later.
Part III-A. Distributions of Principal
Column (c)
for Charitable Purposes
In computing the net FMV of the unitrust's assets, take into
account all assets and liabilities without regard to whether
Line 31. Provide the information requested for columns A
particular items are taken into account in determining the
through C and enter the amount on the line to the right. In
income of the trust. The net FMV of the trust's assets may be
column C, list in sufficient detail each class of activity for
determined on any one date during the tax year of the trust,
amounts paid out of principal to the same payee for
or by taking the average of valuations made on more than
charitable purposes.
one date during the tax year of the trust, as long as the same
Examples. “Cash payments to buy library material” or
valuation date or dates and valuation methods are used each
“Grant, paid in cash, to equip the chemistry lab at Magnolia
year. See Regulations section 1.664-3.
Line 38. Cash—non-interest-bearing. Enter the amount of
Don't merely enter the category (that is, religious,
cash on deposit in checking accounts, deposits in transit,
charitable, scientific, literary, or educational). The purpose of
change funds, petty cash funds, or any other
the deduction must be entered as shown in the examples
non-interest-bearing account. Don't include advances to
employees or officers or refundable deposits paid to
Part III-B. Accumulated Income Set
suppliers or others.
Line 39. Savings and temporary cash investments.
Aside and Income Distributions for
Enter the total of cash in savings or other interest-bearing
Charitable Purposes
accounts and temporary cash investments, such as money
market funds, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, U.S.
Complete Part III-B if any of the following apply.
Treasury bills, or other governmental obligations that mature
The trust claimed a deduction in a prior year under section
in less than 1 year.
642(c) for an amount permanently set aside and at the
beginning of the year the set aside amount was not fully
Line 40. Accounts receivable. Enter the total accounts
receivable (reduced by the corresponding allowance for
The trust claimed a deduction during the year under
doubtful accounts) that arose from the sale of goods and/or
section 642(c) whether the amount was set aside or paid.
the performance of services. Claims against vendors or
The trust made payment for charitable purposes during the
refundable deposits with suppliers or others may be reported
year but claimed the section 642(c) deduction in the prior
here if not significant in amount. (Otherwise, report them on
line 49.) Any receivables due from officers, directors,
The trust is treated as a grantor trust and made a payment
trustees, foundation managers, or other disqualified persons
for charitable purposes during the year, and the grantor
must be reported on line 41. Receivables (including loans
(during the year or a prior year) claimed a charitable
and advances) due from other employees should be reported
deduction as described in Regulations section 1.170A-6(c)
on line 49.
upon contribution to the trust.
Line 41. Receivables due from officers, directors, trust-
ees, and other disqualified persons. Enter here (and in
Note. The grantor trust completes only lines 35 and 36 for
an attached statement described below) all receivables due
this part.
from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified
Line 35. Provide the information requested for columns A
persons and all secured and unsecured loans (including
through C and enter the amount on the line to the right. In
advances) to such persons.
column C, list in sufficient detail each class of activity to the
same payee for charitable purposes for amounts distributed
Attached statement.
in which a section 642(c) deduction was claimed.
1. In the required statement, report each loan separately,
Don't merely enter the category (that is, religious,
even if more than one loan was made to the same person, or
charitable, scientific, literary, or educational). The purpose of
the same terms apply to all loans made.
the deduction must be entered as shown in the examples in
Salary advances and other advances for personal use and
Part III-A.
benefit, and receivables subject to special terms or arising
from transactions not functionally related to the trust's
charitable purposes must be reported as separate loans for
each officer, director, etc.
Instructions for Form 5227


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