Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 6


Section E—Deductions Allocable to Income
28% long-term capital gain class. This class consists of
collectibles gains and losses and the taxable gain (but not
Categories (Section 664 trust only)
more than the section 1202 exclusion) on the sale or
Deductions are allocated as follows.
exchange of qualified small business stock. Enter these
1. Allowable deductions directly attributable to one or
gains or losses on line 12.
more classes of income items (that is, interest, dividends, or
Section 1250 long-term capital gain class. This class
rents) or corpus are allocated to such income classes or
consists of unrecaptured section 1250 gain (generally the
part of real estate capital gain attributable to depreciation) on
sales, exchanges, etc. of assets held more than 1 year.
2. Allowable deductions not allocated under (1) above
Undistributed, unrecaptured section 1250 gain on sales,
are allocated on the basis of gross income after directly
exchanges, etc. after May 6, 1997, is included in this class.
attributable deductions, to the extent of such income.
Enter this gain on line 11.
3. Deductions not allocated under either (1) or (2) above
All other long-term capital gain class. This class
may be allocated in any manner.
consists of all other gains or losses from sales, exchanges,
and conversions (including installment payments received) of
Add the deductions that were allocated to all the classes
assets held more than 12 months.
of income items within each category and enter the amount
on the appropriate line. (Note: Any deduction allocated to
Section C—Nontaxable Income
corpus isn't shown on any line in Section E.)
In this section, include other income that isn't included in
For a discussion on the allocation of deductions to
Section A or B. This section includes income excluded under
tax-exempt income, see Allocation of Deductions for
Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter B, Part III of the Internal
Tax-Exempt Income in the Instructions for Form 1041.
Revenue Code, such as interest on state and municipal
Part II. Schedule of Distributable
Income (Section 664 trust only)
Section D—Deductions
Report the income (both current and cumulative
For Section 664 Trusts
undistributed income) of the trust for purposes of determining
Include all allowable deductions and any expense that would
the character of distributions in three categories:
be allowable but for the fact that it must be allocated to
1. Ordinary income,
tax-exempt income. No deduction is ever allowed for:
2. Capital gains and losses, and
The personal exemption under section 642(b),
Charitable contributions under section 642(c),
3. Nontaxable income.
Net operating losses under section 642(d),
A loss in any one of the three categories may not be used
Income distribution deductions under section 661,
to reduce a gain in any other category. For example, a capital
Capital loss carryforwards under section 1212,
loss may not be used to reduce ordinary income. However, a
Federal income taxes, or
loss in any one category may be used to reduce
Federal excise taxes under Chapter 42.
undistributed gain for earlier years within that same category,
and any excess may be carried forward to reduce gain in
Any expense that isn't deductible in determining taxable
future years within that same category.
income (or not otherwise deductible but for the fact that it
must be allocated to nontaxable income) must be allocated
For information on recordkeeping for long-term capital
to corpus.
gains or ordinary income, see the Capital Gains Distribution
Worksheet or the Ordinary Income Distribution Worksheet,
Attached statement. List any other allowable deduction (or
any expense that would be an allowable deduction but for the
fact that it must be allocated to tax-exempt income) that isn't
Net Investment Income (NII). Beginning in 2013,
included on lines 17 through 20 and the amount of the
charitable remainder trusts must begin tracking Excluded
deduction. Total the amounts listed and enter the total on
Income and net investment income (NII) received and
line 21.
distributed. For 2013 and later years, columns (a), (b), and
(c) of Part II, line 27, have been divided into NII and Excluded
For Split-Interest Trusts Other Than Section 664
The term Excluded Income is income received (or losses
incurred) by the charitable remainder trust not taken into
Include all expenses attributable to gross income that are
account in computing NII. For charitable remainder trusts
deductible for the tax year.
(CRTs) in existence before 2013, all undistributed income as
Attached statement. List any other deductible expense that
of the end of 2012 is Excluded Income. For 2013 and later
is attributable to the gross income of the trust and isn't
years, the CRT must determine whether the items of income,
included on lines 17 through 20 and line 23 and show the
gain, loss, and deduction reported on sections A through D of
amount of the deduction. Total the amounts listed and enter
Part I constitute NII or Excluded Income.
the total on line 21.
Line 27. Enter the amounts of undistributed Excluded
Income and undistributed accumulated NII from post-2012
Line 23. Charitable Deduction
tax years.
Enter the amount of any charitable deduction or other
Line 28. Allocate the items of income or loss from the
deduction taken under section 642(c) for the tax year.
current year between Excluded Income and NII.
Instructions for Form 5227


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