Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 2


have been allowed a deduction under one of the sections
(vi). Donors to the fund receive a lifetime income interest,
listed in section 4947(a)(2). At the end of the lead period,
based upon the rate of return earned by the trust (or such
annual payments to the charitable organization cease, and
other rate as may be prescribed for a trust in existence for
the remaining corpus becomes payable, outright or in trust, to
less than three years). Upon the death of the donor and the
a noncharitable (private) beneficiary.
termination of his or her income interest, the charitable
organization becomes entitled to the portion of the trust
Charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT). This is a
corpus attributable to the donor’s contribution, free of trust.
split-interest trust described in section 664(d)(1). It pays a
fixed dollar (annuity) amount, at least annually, to one or
Recipient. A recipient is a beneficiary who receives the
more recipients, at least one of which isn't a charitable
possession or beneficial enjoyment of the unitrust or annuity
organization. The annuity amount must be at least 5%, but
cannot exceed 50%, of the initial net fair market value (FMV)
Foundation manager. A foundation manager is an officer,
of all property contributed to corpus, subject to the further
director, or trustee (or an individual who has powers or
requirement that the remainder interest in the trust
responsibilities similar to those of officers, directors, or
(measured at the time property is transferred to the trust)
trustees). In the case of any act or failure to act, the term
must have a value of at least 10% of the FMV of the initial
foundation manager may also include an employee of the
trust corpus. Payments to the recipient continue for a period
trust who has the authority to act.
of years. The period, if stated as a specific number, cannot
Disqualified person. A disqualified person is:
exceed 20 years. The period can also be determined by the
lifespan of one or more recipients. Whether the period is a
1. A substantial contributor;
fixed number of years, or is measured by an individual’s
2. A foundation manager;
lifespan, the value of the remainder interest must be at least
3. A person who owns more than 20% of a corporation,
10% of the FMV of the property transferred to the trust (as
partnership, trust, or unincorporated enterprise, which is itself
explained above). Upon termination of the recipient’s
a substantial contributor;
entitlement to the annuity amount, the remainder interest
passes to a charitable organization described in section
4. A member of the family of an individual in the first three
170(c), or qualified employer securities are transferred to an
categories; or
employee stock ownership plan.
5. A corporation, partnership, trust, or estate in which
persons described in (1), (2), (3), or (4) above own a total
Charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT). This is a
beneficial interest of more than 35%.
split-interest trust described in section 664(d)(2). It is similar
in many respects to a CRAT except that the amount payable
6. For purposes of section 4943 (excess business
to the recipient annually (the unitrust amount) is a fixed
holdings), a disqualified person also includes:
percentage (not less than 5% but not more than 50%) of the
a. A private foundation which is effectively controlled
net FMV of the trust’s assets, subject further to the
(directly or indirectly) by the same persons who control
requirement described above that the remainder interest
the trust in question, or
must have a value of at least 10% of the value of the initial
b. A private foundation substantially all of the
trust corpus, determined at the time property is transferred to
contributions to which were made (directly or indirectly)
the trust. Because the unitrust amount is calculated annually
by the same person or persons described in (1), (2), or
based upon the FMV of trust corpus, and isn't a fixed amount
(3) above, or members of their families, within the
determined upon the creation of the trust, the trustee must
meaning of section 4946(d), who made (directly or
determine the FMV of the assets of the trust annually. Upon
indirectly) substantially all of the contributions to the trust
termination of the recipient’s entitlement to payments of the
in question.
unitrust amount, the remainder interest is transferred to a
7. For purposes of section 4941 (self-dealing), a
charitable organization described in section 170(c), or
disqualified person also includes certain government
qualified employer securities are transferred to an employee
officials. (See section 4946(c) and the related regulations.)
stock ownership plan. The trust agreement for a CRUT may
allow the trustee to distribute less than the full unitrust
Photographs of Missing Children
amount in years when the trust income (as defined under
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the
section 643(b)) is less than the unitrust amount. A
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Net-Income Makeup Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Photographs of missing children selected by the Center may
(NIMCRUT) is a charitable remainder unitrust that allows
appear in instructions on pages that would otherwise be
payment of the unitrust amount to be deferred in years when
blank. You can help bring these children home by looking at
the unitrust amount exceeds trust income, with the deferred
the photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST
distributions being made up in a later year when the trust has
(1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child.
sufficient income. A Net Income Charitable Remainder
Unitrust (NICRUT) is a charitable remainder unitrust that
Phone Help
allows for deferral of the unitrust payment (as described
above), but does not provide for deferred distributions to be
If you have questions and/or need help completing this form,
made up in future years.
please call 1-877-829-5500. This toll-free telephone service
is available Monday through Friday.
Note. The terms “section 664 trust” and “CRT” are general
Additional Information
references to charitable remainder trusts. These terms
include CRATs and CRUTs.
For additional information on private foundations and
Pooled income fund. This is a split-interest trust described
foundation managers, visit
in section 642(c)(5), which is created and administered by a
charitable organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(i) –
Instructions for Form 5227


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