Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 16


Section 664 Method
SNIIC Election Method
The 28% long-term capital gain class that is Excluded Income (28% rate) is deemed distributed, then
The section 1250
long-term capital gain
The section 1250 long-term capital gain class that is Excluded Income (25% rate) is deemed distributed, then
class is deemed
distributed, and finally
All other long-term capital gain class that is NII (23.8% rate) is deemed distributed, and finally
All other long-term capital
gain class.
All other long-term capital gain class is deemed distributed.
Carryover Rules
Section 664 Method
SNIIC Election Method
1. If the trust has capital losses in excess of capital gains for any tax year:
The excess of the 43.4% rate net short-term capital loss over the net long-term capital gain for that year is a 43.4%
The excess of the net
rate short-term capital loss carryover to the next tax year.
short-term capital loss
over the net long-term
The excess of the 39.6% rate net short-term capital loss over the net long-term capital gain for that year is a
capital gain for that year
39.6% rate short-term capital loss carryover to the next tax year.
is a short-term capital
loss carryover to the next
tax year.
The excess of the 23.8% net long-term capital loss over the net short-term capital gain for that year is a 23.8%
The excess of the net
long-term capital loss carryover to the next tax year.
long-term capital loss
over the net short-term
The excess of the 20% net long-term capital loss over the net short-term capital gain for that year is a 20%
capital gain for that year
long-term capital loss carryover to the next tax year.
is a long-term capital loss
carryover to the next tax
2. If the trust has capital gains in excess of capital losses for any tax year:
The excess of the 43.4% rate net short-term capital gain over the net long-term capital loss for that year is, to the
The excess of the net
extent not deemed distributed, a 43.4% rate short-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
short-term capital gain
over the net long-term
The excess of the 39.6% rate net short-term capital gain over the net long-term capital loss for that year is, to the
capital loss for that year
extent not deemed distributed, a 39.6% rate short-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
is, to the extent not
deemed distributed, a
short-term capital gain
carryover to the next tax
The excess of the 31.8% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
extent not deemed distributed, a 31.8% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
The excess of the 28.8% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
The excess of the net
extent not deemed distributed, a 28.8% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
long-term capital gain
over the net short-term
The excess of the 28% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
capital loss for that year
extent not deemed distributed, a 28% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
is, to the extent not
The excess of the 25% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
deemed distributed, a
extent not deemed distributed, a 25% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
long-term capital gain
carryover to the next tax
The excess of the 23.8% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
extent not deemed distributed, a 23.8% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
The excess of the 20% rate net long-term capital gain over the net short-term capital loss for that year is, to the
extent not deemed distributed, a 20% rate long-term capital gain carryover to the next tax year.
Part II-B. Current Distributions
2007-29 I.R.B. 89, and Rev. Proc. 2007-46, 2007-29 I.R.B.
102, for examples of other situations in which amounts may
(Charitable lead trusts or pooled income funds only)
be payable to a noncharitable beneficiary.
Line 5. A charitable lead trust uses line 5 to report the
A pooled income fund uses line 5 to report the amount
aggregate amount of distributions made during the year to
distributable annually among one or more noncharitable
one or more noncharitable (private) beneficiaries. For
(private) beneficiaries who hold income interests in the fund.
example, when the lead period terminates, all future
Part III. Assets and Donor Information
distributions are payable to the noncharitable beneficiary.
However, because charitable lead trusts can vary
Line 7. Pooled income funds don't complete lines 6 and 7.
considerably, the expiration of the lead period isn't the only
For trusts that answered “Yes” to question 6, complete all
context within which the trust may provide for payments to a
columns on line 7 for all donors to the trust in 2016. For
noncharitable (private) beneficiary. See the annotations to
additional donors to the trust that did not contribute to the
the sample charitable lead trusts in Rev. Proc. 2007-45,
trust in 2016, complete column (a) only.
Instructions for Form 5227


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