Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 13


Instructions for Part I-B of Schedule A
Substitute Forms
You don't need prior IRS approval for a substitute
Column (a). Enter the amount from the prior year Form
Schedule K-1 if it is an exact copy of the IRS statement. The
5227, Schedule A, Part I-B, line 4(d).
boxes must use the same numbers and titles and must be in
Column (b). Enter the CRT’s current year NII.
the same order and format as on the comparable IRS
Schedule K-1. The substitute schedule must include the
Using Form 8960 as a worksheet, include the
OMB number. You must request IRS approval to use other
amounts of income, gain, loss, and deductions
substitute Schedules K-1. To request approval, write to:
reported on lines 1-12 of Form 8960 to compute NII
(line 12 of Form 8960). Don't file the Form 8960 with the
Internal Revenue Service
Form 5227.
Attention: Substitute Forms Program
Column (c). Enter the lesser of (i) the sum of column (a)
5000 Ellin Road, C6–440
and (b), or (ii) the total distributions for the year (reported on
Lanham, MD 20706
line 2a of Part I-A of Schedule A). If the sum of columns (a)
and (b) is zero or less, enter -0- in column (c).
You may be subject to a penalty if you file a
Column (d). Subtract column (c) from the sum of columns
Schedule K-1 that does not conform to the
(a) and (b). This amount will be reported in column (a) of the
specifications in Pub. 1167, General Rules and
2017 Form 5227.
Specifications for Substitute Forms and Schedules.
Effect of the SNIIC Election on Netting and
For updates on the Substitute Forms Program after this
Ordering Rules
publication went to print, go to the product page for Pub.
The SNIIC election will change the netting and ordering rules
1167 at
for ordinary income and capital gains or losses. See Ordering
Rules for Ordinary Income and Additional Rules for Capital
Inclusion of Amounts in Recipients' Income
Gains and Losses, later, for illustrative charts.
If there are two or more recipients, each will be treated as
receiving his or her pro rata share of the various classes of
You may want to read the Part II-A instructions and
income or corpus.
complete all worksheets (as necessary) before you
make an entry on Part II-A of Schedule A.
Amounts distributed by a charitable remainder annuity
trust or a charitable remainder unitrust have the following
Part II-A. Current Distributions
characteristics in the hands of the recipients:
Schedule (Section 664 trust only)
First, as ordinary income to the extent of ordinary income
for the current year and undistributed ordinary income for
You must give each recipient listed in Part II-A a
prior years of the trust. Ordinary income is computed without
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) that reflects that recipient's
regard to any net operating loss deductions under section
current distribution. The following rules and worksheets will
172. See the Ordering Rules for Ordinary Income, next.
help you figure the type of income a recipient receives from
Second, as capital gains to the extent of the trust's
the trust's distributions. Also, attach a copy of each
undistributed capital gains. Undistributed capital gains of the
Schedule K-1 to Form 5227. See the Instructions for
trust are determined on a cumulative net basis without regard
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) for more information.
to any capital loss carrybacks and carryovers. See the
Netting Rules, Ordering Rules for Capital Gains and Losses
Column (b). Recipient's Identifying Number
and Carryover Rules later for capital gains.
As a payer of income, the trust is required under section
Third, as nontaxable income to the extent of the trust's
6109 to request and provide a proper identifying number for
nontaxable income for the current year and undistributed
each recipient of income. Enter the recipient's number on the
nontaxable income for prior years.
respective Schedule K-1. Individuals and business recipients
Fourth, as a distribution of trust corpus. For this purpose,
are responsible for giving you their taxpayer identification
trust corpus means the net FMV of the trust assets less the
numbers upon request. You may use Form W-9, Request for
total undistributed income (but not loss) in each of the above
Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, to request
the recipient's identifying number.
Column (j). NII
If the CRT has not made a SNIIC election, then enter the total
The trust may incur a penalty under section 6723 if it fails to
amount of NII allocated to each recipient in column (j) that is
provide the taxpayer identification number of each recipient
included in columns (d) through (g) for that recipient.
or income beneficiary identified on Schedule A. The penalty
is $50 for each failure to provide a required taxpayer
If the CRT has made a SNIIC election, then for each
identification number, unless reasonable cause can be
recipient multiply the amount in column (c) of Part I-B by the
established for the failure. If you are unable to provide the
percentage reported in column (c) of line 4 of Part II-A of
taxpayer identification number for any recipient or income
Schedule A, and enter the amount in column (j) for each
beneficiary, explain the circumstances in a signed affidavit
and attach it to this return.
For each recipient, enter the difference between the
amount in column (j) and the sum of the amounts in columns
Instructions for Form 5227


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