Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 11


Section D—Charitable Remainder Trusts
respect to the CFC or QEF. The election may be made on an
original or an amended return, provided that the tax year for
Line 91. If a charitable remainder annuity trust or certain
which the election is made, and all tax years affected by the
charitable remainder unitrusts pay the annuity or unitrust
election, aren't closed by the period of limitations on
amount after the close of the tax year, and:
assessments under section 6501. For more information, see
1. The payment is made within a reasonable time after
Regulations section 1.1411-10(g).
the close of the tax year, and
Note. CRTs that make the Simplified Net Investment Income
2. To the extent the payment is characterized as corpus
Calculation election also may make the Regulations section
from a property distribution (other than cash), the trustee
1.1411-10(g) election. See Simplified Net Investment Income
treats any income generated by the distribution as occurring
Calculation Election, in the instructions for Part I-B of
on the last day of the tax year for which the annuity or unitrust
Schedule A, later.
amount is due, then the annuity trust or certain unitrusts won't
For more information on the NII treatment of income from
be deemed to have:
certain CFCs and PFICs within the section 664 category and
Engaged in self-dealing (section 4941),
class system, see Regulations section 1.1411-10 and
Unrelated debt-financed income (section 514),
Proposed Regulations section 1.1411-3(d)(2)(ii).
Received an additional contribution (Regulations section
Contents of the election. In order to make the election, the
1.664-2(b) and 1.664-3(b)), or
CRT must check the “Yes” box on line 92 and must attach a
Failed to function exclusively as a charitable remainder
statement to its Form 5227, which must include:
trust (Regulations section 1.664-1(a)(4)).
Name of the CRT and its EIN,
See Regulations sections 1.664-2(a)(1) and 1.664-3(a)(1)
A declaration that the CRTs elect under Regulations
for more information.
section 1.1411-10(g) to apply the rules in Regulations section
Under Regulations section 1.664-1(d)(5), a distribution of
1.1411-10(g) to the CFCs and QEFs identified in the
property (other than cash) is treated as a sale by the trust.
statement, and
The following information with respect to each CFC and
Note. You must report income (gain) generated by the
QEF for which an election is made:
property distribution (discussed above) on Part I of Form
The name of the CFC or QEF; and
5227 for the current tax year.
Either the EIN of the CFC or QEF, or, if the CFC or QEF
does not have an EIN, the reference ID number of the CFC or
Trusts created before December 10, 1998. The election
in Regulations sections 1.664-2(a)(1)(i)(a)(2) and 1.664-3(a)
(1)(i)(g)(2) does not apply to charitable remainder annuity
Line 96. Check the “Yes” box and enter the name of the
trusts and certain charitable remainder unitrusts whose
foreign country if either (1) or (2) below applies.
annuity or unitrust amount is 15% or less.
1. The trust owns more than 50% of the stock in any
Line 92. Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT)—Regulations
corporation that owns one or more foreign bank accounts.
Section 1.1411-10(g) Election. In general, a CRT that
2. At any time during the year, the trust had an interest in
owns stock of a controlled foreign corporation (CFC) (within
or signature or other authority over a bank, securities, or
the meaning of section 953(c)(1)(B) or 957(a)) or a passive
other financial account in a foreign country.
foreign investment company (within the meaning of section
1297(a)) that it treats as a qualified electing fund (QEF) under
Exception. Check “No” if either of the following applies to
section 1295 may make the election provided in Regulations
the trust:
section 1.1411-10(g). For NIIT purposes, if an election is in
The combined value of the accounts was $10,000 or less
effect with respect to a CFC or QEF, then, in general, the
during the whole year, or
amounts included in income for regular tax purposes under
The accounts were with a U.S. military banking facility
section 951 and section 1293 from the CFC or QEF also are
operated by a U.S. financial institution.
included in NII, and distributions of previously taxed income
See FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and
to the CRT from the CFC or QEF described in section 959(d)
Financial Accounts (FBAR) and its instructions to determine
or 1293(c) are excluded from NII.
whether the trust is considered to have an interest in or
This election must be made on an entity by entity basis,
signature or other authority over a bank, securities, or other
and applies only to the particular CFCs and QEFs for which
financial account in a foreign country. If “Yes,” electronically
an election is made. If the CRT owns a CFC or QEF through
file FinCEN Form 114 with the Department of the Treasury
certain domestic pass-through entities, such as a domestic
using the FinCEN's BSA E-Filing System. Because FinCEN
partnership or common trust fund, the domestic pass-through
Form 114 isn't a tax form, don't file it with Form 5227. See
entity may make the election with respect to the CFC or QEF
for more information.
and you will be considered as having made the election. If
If you are required to file FinCEN Form 114 but don't,
the entity does not make the election, you may make the
you may have to pay a penalty of up to $10,000
election with respect to the CFC or QEF owned through the
(more in some cases).
When to make the election. The election applies to the tax
year for which it is made and later tax years, and applies to all
Form 5227 must be signed by the trustee or by an authorized
interests in the CFC or QEF that the CRT later acquires. The
CRT cannot revoke the election. The election must be made
no later than the first taxable year beginning after December
If you, as trustee (or an employee or officer of the trust), fill
31, 2013, in which the CRT includes an amount in income for
in Form 5227, the Paid Preparer's space should remain
regular tax purposes under section 951(a) or 1293(a) with
Instructions for Form 5227


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