Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016 Page 10


For more information on investments that jeopardize
Line 76. Under section 4947(b)(3)(A), a split-interest trust
charitable purposes, see Regulations section 53.4944-1.
isn't subject to the excess business holdings tax (section
4943) or tax on investments that jeopardize the trust's
Line 79. Grants by a trust to a public charity aren't taxable
charitable purpose (section 4944) if all the income interest
expenditures if the grants aren't earmarked for use for any of
(and none of the remainder interest) of the trust is devoted
the activities described on lines 79a(1) through (5) and there
solely to one or more of the charitable purposes described in
is no oral or written agreement by which the trust may cause
section 170(c)(2)(B). In addition, all amounts in the trust for
the public charity to engage in any such prohibited activity or
which a charitable contribution deduction was allowed under
to select the grant grantee.
section 170 (for individual taxpayers) or similar section for
Grants made to exempt operating foundations (as defined
personal holding companies, foreign personal holding
in section 4940(d)(2)) aren't subject to the expenditure
companies, estates or trusts (including a deduction for estate
responsibility provisions of section 4945. If the trust made
or gift tax purposes) cannot have a total value of more than
grants to such organizations, you don't have to file Form
60% of the total FMV of all amounts in the trust. For the
4720 for those grants. See the section 4945 regulations for
purposes of section 4947(b)(3)(A), the term “income interest”
more information.
includes the right to receive an annuity or unitrust payment,
Line 79b. If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions in
as described in Regulations section 53.4947-2(b)(2)(i).
line 79a, you should answer “Yes” to line 79b unless all of the
Under section 4947(b)(3)(B), a split-interest trust isn't
transactions engaged in were “excepted” transactions.
subject to the section 4943 or 4944 taxes if a deduction was
Excepted transactions are described in Regulations section
allowed under section 170 (and related provisions for other
53.4945 or appear in Notices published in the Internal
entities) for amounts payable under the terms of the trust to
Revenue Bulletin, relating to disaster assistance. At the time
every remainder beneficiary but not to any income
this form went to print, there were no Notices currently in
beneficiary. For the purposes of section 4947(b)(3)(B), the
effect relating to disaster assistance for “excepted”
term “income beneficiary” includes the recipient entitled to
transactions to taxable expenditures.
receive an annuity or unitrust payment under a CRT, as well
as the donor entitled to payments from a pooled income
Line 80a. A personal benefit contract is, in general, any life
fund. The term “remainder beneficiary” includes the
insurance, annuity, or endowment contract that benefits,
charitable organization entitled to the remainder interest
directly or indirectly, a transferor, a transferor's family
under a CRT or a pooled income fund.
member, or a transferor designee that isn't an organization
described in section 170(c).
Line 77. In general, excess business holdings are the
amount of stock or other interest in a business enterprise that
Line 80b. Enter the total of all premiums paid by the
the trust must dispose of to a person other than a disqualified
split-interest trust on any personal benefit contract if the
person in order for the trust's remaining holdings in the
payment of premiums is in connection with a transfer for
enterprise to be permitted holdings.
which a deduction isn't allowed under section 170(f)(10)(A).
Also, if there is an understanding or expectation that any
In general, the combined permitted holdings of a trust and
person will directly or indirectly pay any premium on a
all disqualified persons may not be more than 20% of the
personal benefit contract for the transferor, include those
voting power (or beneficial or profits interest, in the case of a
premium payments in the amount entered on this line. For
trust or a partnership) in any business enterprise.
more information, see the Instructions for Form 8870.
In general, a business enterprise means the active
Part VII. Questionnaire for Charitable
conduct of a trade or business, including any activity that is
regularly conducted to produce income from selling goods or
Lead Trusts, Pooled Income Funds,
performing services that is an unrelated trade or business
under section 513.
and Charitable Remainder Trusts
The term “business enterprise” does not include:
Section A—All Trusts
1. A functionally related business, defined in section
4942(j)(4), or
All trusts are required to answer lines 81 and 82.
2. A trade or business if at least 95% of its gross income
Section B—Charitable Lead Trusts
is derived from passive sources.
Line 83. The information on this line is used to determine
See section 4943(d)(3)(B) for additional items that are
whether sections 4943 and 4944 apply for 2016.
included in gross income from passive sources.
Line 85. Enter the amount for payments described in
Line 77a. A private foundation isn't treated as having excess
sections 170(f)(2)(B), 2055(e)(2)(B), and 2522(c)(2)(B).
business holdings in any enterprise if, together with related
foundations, it owns 2% or less of the voting stock and 2% or
Section C—Pooled Income Funds
less in value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock.
A similar exception applies to a beneficial or profits interest in
Line 87. Upon termination of the income interest retained or
any business enterprise that is a trust or partnership.
created by a donor, the trustee is required to sever from the
fund an amount equal to the value of the remainder interest in
Line 78. In general, an investment which jeopardizes any of
the property upon which the income interest is based. The
the charitable purposes of a trust is one in which a foundation
amount severed from the fund must either be paid to, or
manager did not exercise ordinary business care in making
retained for the use of, the designated public charity, as
the investment to provide for the long- and short-term
provided in the governing instrument. See Regulations
financial needs of the trust in carrying out its charitable
section 1.642(c)-5(b)(8) for valuation procedures.
Instructions for Form 5227


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