Instructions For Form 5227 - 2016


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 5227
Split-Interest Trust Information Return
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
If a split-interest trust created before May 27, 1969,
otherwise noted.
receives a contribution to corpus after May 26, 1969, for
which a deduction is allowed under any of the sections listed
Future Developments
in section 4947(a)(2), the trust will cease to qualify for the
exception described above. In that case, the split-interest
For the latest information about developments related to
trust must file Form 5227 for the year when the transfer to
Form 5227 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted
corpus occurs and each subsequent year, the same as any
after they were published, go to
split-interest trust created after May 26, 1969.
Note. Regulations section 1.6012-3(a)(6) references Form
Don't include social security numbers on publicly
1041-B, Charitable Remainder Trust. Form 5227 replaces
disclosed forms. With the exception of the items described
Form 1041-B. Regulations section 1.6034-1(c) references
below, Form 5227 and its attachments are subject to public
Form 1041-A, U.S. Information Return Trust Accumulation of
disclosure. Items not subject to disclosure include
Charitable Amounts. Form 5227 replaces Form 1041-A for
Schedule A (and any related early termination agreement);
split-interest trusts.
Schedule K-1; any K-1 continuation pages and transmittals;
the trust agreement; trust amendments; Form 926, Return by
After 2006, a split-interest trust no longer files Form
a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation; Form
1041-A for any purpose.
8582, Passive Activity Loss Limitations; Form 8621,
Which Parts To Complete
Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign
Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund; and any
The term “split-interest trust” refers to trusts of various types.
attachment that references contributor or donor information.
See the Definitions section of these instructions below.
Certain parts of Form 5227 apply exclusively to a particular
General Instructions
type of split-interest trust (such as a charitable remainder
trust, also referred to as a “section 664 trust”). Parts or lines
Purpose of Form
that apply exclusively to a particular type of split-interest trust
are identified in the Instructions and on Form 5227 with a
Use Form 5227 to:
parenthetical identifying the type of trust to which the part or
Report the financial activities of a split-interest trust.
line applies. Parts or lines that aren't indicated as applying to
Provide certain information regarding charitable
a particular type of split-interest trust should be completed by
deductions and distributions of or from a split-interest trust.
every type of split-interest trust with one exception. Parts
Determine if the trust is treated (for Chapter 42 excise tax
VI-A and VI-B aren't completed by a charitable remainder or
purposes) as a private foundation and subject to certain
charitable lead trust whose charitable interests involve only
excise taxes under Chapter 42.
war veterans' posts or cemeteries (as described in sections
Form 5227 is open to public inspection.
170(c)(3) and 170(c)(5)).
Use Schedule A of Form 5227 to report:
Accumulations of income for charitable remainder trusts,
Distributions to non-charitable beneficiaries/recipients, and
Split-interest trust. A split-interest trust is a trust that:
Information about donors and assets contributed during
Is not exempt from tax under section 501(a);
the year.
Has some unexpired interests that are devoted to
Schedule A of Form 5227 isn't open for public
purposes other than religious, charitable, or similar purposes
described in section 170(c)(2)(B); and
Who Must File
Has amounts transferred in trust after May 26, 1969, for
which a deduction was allowed under one of the sections
All charitable remainder trusts described in section 664 must
listed in section 4947(a)(2).
file Form 5227. All pooled income funds described in section
A split-interest trust is subject to many of the same
642(c)(5) and all other trusts such as charitable lead trusts
requirements and restrictions that are imposed on private
that meet the definition of a split-interest trust under section
4947(a)(2) must file Form 5227 unless the Exception (below)
The most common forms of split-interest trust include the
Exception. A split-interest trust described below isn't
required to file Form 5227.
Charitable lead trust. This is a split-interest trust that
The split-interest trust was created before May 27, 1969,
annually pays a fixed annuity or unitrust amount to a
charitable organization for the lead period specified in the
All transfers of corpus to the trust occurred before May 27,
trust instrument. The lead period may be a term of years or it
1969, or
may be a period determined by the lifetime of one or more
As to each and every transfer of corpus to the trust made
individuals, as described in Regulations sections
after May 26, 1969, no deduction was allowed under any of
1.170A-6(c), 20.2055-2(e)(2)(vi) and (vii), and
the sections listed in section 4947(a)(2).
25.2522(c)-3(c)(2)(vi) and (vii). The donor to the trust will
Nov 04, 2016
Cat. No. 13228E


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