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MANAGEMENT POWERS: To vote at all meetings of stockholders of any company or corporation, and otherwise to act
as my attorney or proxy in respect of my shares of stock or other securities or investments which now or hereafter shall
belong to me, and to appoint substitutes or proxies with respect to any such shares of stock.
6. TAX POWERS: To sign and execute in my behalf any tax return, state or federal relating to income, gift, ad valorem,
intangible or other taxes, state or federal, and to act for me in any examinations, audits, hearings, conferences or
litigation relating to any such taxes, including authority to file and prosecute refund claims, and to enter into an effect
any settlements.
(a) To execute a revocable or irrevocable trust which provides that all income and principal shall be paid to me or
the guardian of my estate, or applied for my benefit in such manner as I or my attorney hereunder shall
request or as the trustee shall determine, and that on my death any remaining assets, including income, shall
pass according to my will or intestate succession if I have no will.
(b) To make additions of funds and assets, real and personal, to any trust established by me.
(a) To sell, rent, lease for any term, or exchange, any real estate or interests therein, for such considerations and
upon such terms and conditions as my attorney may see fit; specifically including the power and authority to
execute acknowledge and deliver deeds, mortgages, leases and other instruments conveying or encumbering
title to property owned by me and my spouse jointly.
(b) To commence, prosecute, discontinue or defend all actions or other legal proceedings touching my estate or
any part thereof, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be in any way concerned.
(c) The powers herein conferred upon my attorney shall extend to and include all of my right, title and interest in
and to any real and personal property, tangible or intangible, in which I may have an estate by the entirety,
joint tenancy, tenancy in common, as trustee or beneficiary of any trust, or in any other manner.
(a) To make gifts, outright or in trust, in an amount not greater than $10,000.00 per donee per year or the
amounts allowed without gift tax consequences under the appropriate Internal Revenue code provisions
(including my attorney hereunder appointed).
(b) To arrange for my entrance to and care at any hospital, nursing home, health center, convalescent home,
retirement home or similar institution.
(c) To renounce or disclaim any interest acquired by testate or intestate succession or by inter vivos transfer.
(a) To authorize, arrange for, consent to, waive and terminate any and all medical and surgical procedures on my
behalf ( including any election or election and agreement under the Life-Prolonging Procedures Act of Florida
with request to providing, withholding or withdrawing life-prolonging procedures should I fail to make a
declaration hereunder) and to pay or arrange compensation for my care.
(b) To make health care decisions for me and to provide informed consent if I am incapable of making health care
decisions or providing informed consent.
To be the final authority to act for me and to make health care decisions for me in matters
regarding my health care during any period in which I have the incapacity to consent.
To expeditiously consult with appropriate health care providers to provide informed consent in
my best interest and make health care decisions for me which my said Surrogate believes I would
have made under the circumstances if I were capable of making such decisions.
To give any consent in writing using the appropriate consent form.
To have access to appropriate clinical records regarding me and have authority to authorize the
release of information and clinical records to appropriate persons to insure the continuity of my
health care.
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