Durable Power Of Attorney - State Of Florida

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State of Florida
County of ____________________________
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I,__________________________________, of ____________________,
Florida, as authorized by Florida law, do hereby appoint,_______________________________________________________
To manage and conduct my affairs. This power of attorney shall be non-delegable except as otherwise provided in Florida Statutes,
and shall be valid and effective from date hereof until such time as I shall die or revoke the power. This durable power of attorney is
not affected by subsequent incapacity of the principal except as provided in Florida Statutes.
The property subject to this durable power of attorney shall include all real and personal property owned by me, my
interest in al property held in joint tenancy, my interest in all non-homestead property held in tenancy by the entirety, and all
property over which I hold power of appointment and shall also include authority to sell, mortgage or convey my homestead
Without limiting the broad powers intended to be conferred by the preceding provisions, I expressly authorize my attorney
acting hereunder in a fiduciary capacity to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds, and things for my benefit and on
my behalf.
1. COLLECTION POWERS: To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect, receive all sums of money, bank deposits, chattels
and other real or personal property, tangible or intangible, of whatsoever nature or description that may be due,
owing, payable or belonging to me, and to execute and deliver receipts, releases, cancellations or discharges.
2. PAYMENT POWERS: To settle any account or reckoning whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall
be in any way interested or concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the
case may require.
3. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES: To enter any safe deposit or other place of safekeeping standing in my name with full authority
to remove any and all the contents thereof and to make additions, substitutions and replacements, specifically
including any safe deposit box in my name jointly with my spouse or any other person.
(a) To borrow any sum or sums of money on such terms and with such security, whether real or personal property
belonging to me, as my attorney may think fit, and to execute any and all notes, mortgages and other
instruments which my attorney may deem necessary or desirable.
(b) To draw, accept, make, endorse or otherwise deal with any checks, promissory notes, bills of exchange or
other commercial or mercantile instruments, specifically including the right to make withdrawals from any
savings account or building or loan deposits.
(c) To redeem or cash in any/or all bonds issued by the United States Government or any of its agencies, any
other bonds and any certificates of deposit or other similar assets or securities belonging to me.
(d) To sell all or any bonds, shares of stock, warrants, debentures, or other securities belonging to me, and to
execute all assignments and other instruments necessary or proper for transferring the same to the purchaser
or purchasers thereof, and to give good receipts and discharges for all monies payable in respect thereof.
(e) To invest the proceeds of any redemptions or sales aforesaid, and any other of my monies, in such, bonds,
shares of stock and other securities as my attorney shall think fit, and from time to time to vary the said
investments or any of them.
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