Health And Safety Policy For School Page 7


Contractors on Site
Guidance for Contractors see Appendix 3.
Contractors are encouraged to telephone and make appropriate
arrangements prior to visiting the school. They must either contact the
Principal, Vice-Principal or Buildings Supervisor.
All contractors must report to the general office. The Buildings
Supervisor will then be informed of their arrival.
Contractors will work under close supervision of the Vice-
Principal/Buildings Supervisor so as not to endanger the health and safety
of children or adults in school.
Any equipment that contractors bring into school must be stored in a safe
place away from corridors, classrooms, or any areas used by adults or
No repairs or maintenance can be carried out in areas which children or
adults are occupying; this includes changing rooms and toilet areas.
If contractors are working near the children’s play areas, then all
equipment and machinery must be cleared away during this time and the
contractors must leave the area.
All work will be monitored by the Buildings Supervisor and any concerns
reported to the Principal, the contractor concerned and the appropriate
department at WELB.


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