Health And Safety Policy For School Page 6


School Trips/Visits etc.
The Principal should be notified well in advance, in writing, of any planned
trip/visit etc.
In accordance with WELB safety regulations, educational visits are
carefully planned in advance, with staff visits made if possible. Details
are sent to parents. Children are asked to wear appropriate clothing for
the activity planned. The correct adult/child ratio of at least 1 adult to
10 pupils is always followed and depending on the specific special
needs/disability/age of the children there maybe more adults. A first
aid kit and list of emergency phone numbers is always taken.
Overnight stays
On overnight stays, arrangements for emergency contacts should be
made well in advance.
Details of medication required by certain pupils should be established in
advance and monitored by staff.
All staff should report immediately, to the Principal, any defect in the
fabric of the building which they deem to be a potential hazard.
Under no circumstances should pupils be left unattended. Should a
member of staff find it necessary to leave his/her class adequate cover
should be sought i.e. another member of staff.
Should a member of staff see a group of pupils who are unattended,
he/she should bring it to the immediate attention of the Principal, who
will see that adequate cover is provided.


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