Health And Safety Policy For School Page 4


Fire Safety
The school has a simple evacuation procedure which should be made clear
to each child and adult in the school.
The evacuation procedure should be displayed in a prominent position in
each classroom and pointed out to all pupils using that room by the
teacher assigned to that room.
Each classroom should have an Emergency Exit Route, which should be
clearly indicated.
There shall be a regular fire drill exercise at the beginning of each term
(this should be recorded).
A list of fire extinguishers, their type, use and location is attached to
this policy (See Appendix 1).
Fire Drill
As soon as the fire alarm sounds all children and adults must stop what
they are doing and walk out of the building through the nearest exit.
Check that all the children are present.
Nobody is to go back into school. If a child is missing it must be
When given the all clear by a member of Senior Management your class
may then go back to class.
Please make sure your children walk in and out of school sensibly, and line
up quietly.
If your normal exit is blocked for any reason, use the nearest available


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