Health And Safety Policy For School Page 3


3. The Principal (or acting Principal) will have the final decision on
whether or not a pupil should be taken to hospital. If the accident
is more serious, the aim of the school is to get the child qualified
medical attention as quickly as possible. Parents are informed
straight away and if necessary, an ambulance sent for.
4. In the case of a major injury, the WELB should be notified
immediately by telephone and then in writing. (For definition of
‘Major Injury’ see accident form).
First Aid
1. First aid kits will be kept in the following locations;
Home Economics room
Technology room
Medical room
Mobile First-Aid Kit for minibus
2. Only minor cuts and bruises can be treated in school
3. Only prescribed medicine, which is clearly labelled with name of
medicine, the child’s name, the chemist’s name and the dosage, can
be administered.
4. No other medication, including headache tablets, medicine for
stomach aches etc. may be administered in school.
5. The administering of medication for children with chronic
conditions i.e. ‘held’ medicines must be recorded.
6. The school accepts no responsibility for injuries sustained outside
the school and school hours, or the treatment of such injuries.


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