Health And Safety Policy For School Page 2


Statement of General Policy
1. The Employing Authority for the Erne School is the Western
Education and Library Board.
2. It is the intention of the Erne School to provide and maintain a
safe and healthy working environment for all members of staff and
pupils within the school and encourage a safe culture within the
3. There shall be regular consultation with all concerned and individual
consultation on Health and Safety matter before the allocation of
particular Health and Safety functions.
4. Expert advice (whenever available) will be sought to assess and
determine the risks to health and safety within the school.
5. There shall be a commitment to the provision of sufficient and
appropriate training and information for all members of staff and
6. The Erne School recognises its responsibility towards all people,
other than pupils and staff, who use the school; i.e. parents,
students, visitors, contractors etc.
7. The Erne School also recognises the necessity of cooperation from
everyone for the implementation of this policy.
Accidents: (Staff and Pupils)
1. All accidents (no matter how trivial) occurring on the school
premises, or during the normal hours of school, must be recorded in
the appropriate Accident Book – the Accident Book is currently
kept in the office.
2. The appropriate WELB accident form should be completed and
given to the Principal – a supply of these forms will be kept in
General Office. (A copy of the completed form should be kept for
record purposes)


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