Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 9


than 2% of the voting stock and not
second phase limit before the increase
Interests held by a private founda­
more than 2% in value of all outstanding
will be treated as held by the foundation.
tion (other than donor advised funds
shares of all classes of stock.
See sections 4943(c)(4)(D) and 4943(c)
and supporting organizations) on
May 26, 1969. For private foundations,
Disposition of excess business hold­
other than donor advised funds and
The first-phase periods may be
ings within 90 days. Generally, when
supporting organizations considered to
suspended pending the outcome of any
a private foundation acquires excess
be private foundations for purposes of
judicial proceeding the private
business holdings other than as a result
section 4943, that had business
foundation brings regarding reform or
of purchase by the foundation (such as
holdings on May 26, 1969 (or holdings
other procedure to excuse it from
an acquisition by a disqualified person),
acquired by trust or will as described
compliance with its governing
the foundation won't be taxed on those
below), that were more than the current
instrument or similar instrument in effect
excess holdings if it disposes of enough
limits permit, there are transitional rules
on May 26, 1969. See section 4943(c)
of them so that it no longer has an
that permit the foundation to dispose of
(4)(C) and Regulations section
excess. To avoid the tax, the disposition
the excess over time without being
must take place within 90 days from the
subject to the tax on excess business
date the foundation knew, or had reason
Holdings acquired by trust or will.
to know, of the event that caused it to
Holdings acquired under the terms of a
have excess business holdings. That
During the first phase, no excess
trust that was irrevocable on May 26,
90-day period will be extended to
business holdings tax was imposed on
1969, or under the terms of a will
include the period during which federal
a private foundation for interests held
executed by that date, are treated as
or state securities laws prevent the
since May 26, 1969, if the foundation
held by the foundation on May 26, 1969,
foundation from disposing of those
had excess holdings on that date. The
except that the 15- and 10-year periods
excess business holdings. See
first phase is:
of the first phase for the holdings start
Regulations section 53.4943-2(a).
on the date of distribution under the trust
A 20-year period beginning on May
or will instead of on May 26, 1969. See
26, 1969, if on that date the foundation
General rules on the permitted hold­
section 4943(c)(5) and Regulations
and all disqualified persons held more
ings of a private foundation in a
section 53.4943-5. See section 4943(d)
than a 95% voting interest in the
business enterprise. No excess
(1) and Regulations section 53.4943-8
enterprise (the 20-year first phase
business holdings tax is imposed (a) if a
for rules relating to constructive
expired on May 25, 1989);
private foundation and all disqualified
holdings held in a corporation,
A 15-year period beginning on May
persons together hold no more than
partnership, estate, or trust for the
26, 1969, if on that date the foundation
20% of the voting stock of a business
benefit of the foundation.
and all disqualified persons together
enterprise or (b) on nonvoting stock, if
had more than a 75% voting stock
all disqualified persons together don't
Gifts or bequests of business hold­
interest (or more than a 75% profits or
own more than 20% of the voting stock
ings. Except as provided in the
beneficial interest of any unincorporated
of the business enterprise.
exception regarding Holdings acquired
business), or more than a 75% interest
If the private foundation and all
by trust or will (discussed above), there
in the value of all outstanding shares of
disqualified persons together don't own
is a special rule for private foundations
all classes of stock (or more than a 75%
more than 35% of the enterprise's voting
that have excess business holdings as a
capital interest of a partnership or joint
stock, and effective control is in one or
result of a change in holdings after May
venture) in the enterprise (the 15-year
more persons who aren't disqualified
26,1969. This rule applies if the change
first phase expired on May 25, 1984);
persons in connection with the
is other than by purchase by the
foundation, then 35% may be
foundation or by disqualified persons
A 10-year period beginning on May
substituted for 20% wherever it appears
(such as through gift or bequest) and
26, 1969, in all other cases in which the
in the preceding paragraph. See
the additional holdings result in the
foundation had excess business
sections 4943(c)(2) and 4943(c)(3).
foundation having excess business
holdings on May 26, 1969. The 10-year
holdings. In that case, the foundation
If a private foundation and all
first phase expired on May 25, 1979.
has 5 years to reduce these holdings or
disqualified persons together had
During the second phase (the
those of its disqualified persons to
holdings in a business enterprise of
15-year period after the first phase), if
permissible levels to avoid the tax. See
more than 20% of the voting stock on
the foundation's disqualified persons
section 4943(c)(6) and Regulations
May 26, 1969, substitute that
hold more than 2% of the enterprise's
section 53.4943-6.
percentage for 20% and for 35% (if the
voting stock, the foundation will be liable
holding is greater than 35%), using the
A private foundation that received an
for tax if the foundation holds more than
principles of section 4943(c)(4) that
unusually large gift or bequest of
25% of the voting stock or if the
apply. However, the percentage
business holdings after 1969, and that
foundation and its disqualified persons
substituted can't be more than 50%.
has made a diligent effort to dispose of
together hold more than 50% of the
excess business holdings, may apply
The percentage substituted under
voting stock.
for an additional 5-year period to reduce
the preceding paragraph is (a) subject
However, during the second phase, if
its holdings to permissible levels if
to reductions and limitations (see
a foundation's disqualified persons
certain conditions are met. See section
sections 4943(c)(4)(A)(ii) and 4943(c)
purchase voting stock in a business
(4)(D)) and (b) applicable, both in
enterprise after July 18, 1984, causing
connection with the voting stock and,
General rules on the permitted hold­
the combined holdings of the
separately, in connection with the value
ings of donor advised funds and cer­
disqualified persons to exceed 2% of
of all outstanding shares of all classes of
tain supporting organizations in a
the enterprise's voting stock, the
stock (see section 4943(c)(4)(A)(iii)).
business enterprise. Rules similar to
foundation has 5 years to reduce its
those described above for interests held
holdings in the enterprise to below its
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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