Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 8


(3) and related regulations or in section
correction period, go to
should be classified as nonvoting stock.
4942(j)(5)), or
Evidences of indebtedness (including
To the extent it didn't distribute an
convertible indebtedness), warrants,
Business enterprise. In general, this
amount solely because of an incorrect
and other options or rights to acquire
means the active conduct of a trade or
valuation of assets, provided the
stock shouldn't be considered equity
business, including any activity regularly
foundation satisfies the requirements of
interests. See Regulations section
conducted to produce income from
section 4942(a)(2), or
selling goods or performing services,
For any year for which the initial tax
For a partnership (including a limited
that is an unrelated trade or business
was previously assessed or a notice of
partnership) or joint venture, the term
described in section 513.
deficiency was issued.
“capital interest” should be substituted
The term “business enterprise”
for “nonvoting stock.” For any
doesn't include a functionally related
unincorporated business that isn't a
Schedule C—Initial Tax on
business as defined in section 4942(j)
partnership, joint venture, or sole
Excess Business Holdings
(4). In addition, business holdings don't
proprietorship, references to nonvoting
include program-related investments
(Section 4943)
stock don't apply for computation of
(such as investments in small
permitted holdings. See Regulations
businesses in economically depressed
General Instructions
section 53.4943-3(c)(4).
areas or in corporations to assist in
Private foundations may be subject to
neighborhood renovations) as defined
Attribution of business holdings. In
an excise tax on the amount of any
in section 4944(c) and related
determining the holdings in a business
excess holdings, as described later. For
regulations. Also, business enterprise
enterprise of either a private foundation
purposes of section 4943, donor
doesn't include a trade or business at
or a disqualified person, any stock or
advised funds and certain supporting
least 95% of the gross income of which
other interest owned directly or
organizations are considered private
comes from passive sources. For more
indirectly by or for a corporation,
foundations. For more information on
information, go to
partnership, estate, or trust is
the applicability of Schedule C to such
considered owned proportionately by or
organizations, see General rules on the
for its shareholders, partners, or
Excess business holdings. Excess
permitted holdings of donor advised
beneficiaries. In general, this rule
business holdings is the amount of
funds and certain supporting
doesn't apply to certain income interests
stock or other interest in a business
organizations in a business
or remainder interests of a private
enterprise that the foundation would
foundation in a split-interest trust
have to dispose of to a person other
Requirement. If you answered “Yes,”
described in section 4947(a)(2). See
than a disqualified person in order for
to Form 990-PF, Part VII-B, question 3b;
Regulations section 53.4943-8.
the foundation's remaining holdings in
Form 990, Part V, question 8; or Form
the enterprise to be permitted holdings
Taxable period. The taxable period
5227, Part VI-B, question 77b, or
(section 4943(c)(1)). Go to
begins on the first day the foundation
otherwise had excess business
has excess business holdings and ends
holdings, complete a Schedule C for
for more information.
on the earliest of:
each business enterprise in which the
The mailing date of a notice of
Sole proprietorships. In general, a
foundation had excess business
deficiency, under section 6212, in
private foundation can't have any
holdings for its tax year beginning in
connection with the initial tax on excess
permitted holdings in a business
business holdings related to those
enterprise that is a sole proprietorship.
Taxes. A private foundation that has
For exceptions, go to
excess holdings in a business
The date the excess is eliminated, or
part7/irm_07-027-017.html#d0e77. For
enterprise may become liable for an
The date the initial tax on excess
a definition of sole proprietorship, see
excise tax based on the amount of
business holdings related to those
Regulations section 53.4943-10(e).
holdings. The initial tax is 10% of the
holdings is assessed.
Corporate voting stock. This stock
value of the excess holdings and is
When a notice of deficiency isn't
entitles a person to vote for the election
imposed on the last day of each tax year
mailed because the restrictions on
of directors. Treasury stock and stock
that ends during the taxable period. The
assessment and collection are waived
that is authorized but unissued isn't
excess holdings are determined on the
or because the deficiency is paid, the
voting stock for these purposes. See
day during the tax year when they were
date of filing the waiver or the date of
Regulations sections 53.4943-3(b)(1)(ii)
the largest.
paying the tax, respectively, will be
and 53.4943-3(b)(2)(ii).
If the foundation keeps the excess
treated as the end of the taxable period.
For a partnership (including a limited
business holdings after the initial tax
See Regulations section 53.4943-9.
partnership) or joint venture, the term
has been imposed, it becomes liable for
“profits interest” should be substituted
an additional tax of 200% of the
Exceptions to Tax on Excess
for “voting stock.” For any
remaining excess business holdings
Business Holdings
unincorporated business enterprise that
unless it disposes of them within the
isn't a partnership, joint venture, or sole
taxable period. However, if the
2% de minimis rule. A private
proprietorship, the term “beneficial
foundation disposes of its excess
foundation won't be treated as having
business holdings during the correction
interest” should be substituted for
excess business holdings in any
“voting stock.” See Regulations section
period, the additional tax won't be
enterprise in which it, together with
assessed or, if assessed, will be abated
related foundations as described in the
and if collected, will be credited or
instructions for Form 990-PF (under the
Nonvoting stock. Corporate equity
refunded. For information on the
definition for “disqualified person” in the
interests that don't have voting power
General Instructions), owns not more
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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