Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 7


advisors, related persons, or
Sale, exchange, or leasing of
VI-B, question 75a, that applies to the
disqualified persons who are liable for
property between a private foundation
act. For example, “1a(1)” or “1a(4).”
tax on a particular transaction under
and a disqualified person (see
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
sections 4912, 4941, 4944, 4945, 4955,
definitions in Form 990-PF instructions),
of all disqualified persons who took part
4958, 4966, or 4967 pay less than the
Lending of money or other extension
in the acts of self-dealing listed in Part I.
total tax due on that transaction, then
of credit between a private foundation
If more than one disqualified person
the IRS may charge the amount owed to
and a disqualified person,
took part in an act of self-dealing, each
one or more of them regardless of the
Furnishing of goods, services, or
is individually liable for the entire tax in
tax apportionment shown on this return.
facilities between a private foundation
connection with the act. But the
and a disqualified person,
Part II­B
disqualified persons who are liable for
Payment of compensation (or
the tax may prorate the payment among
payment or reimbursement of
Line 1. If there is more than one signer
themselves. Enter in column (c) the tax
expenses) by a private foundation to a
for this return, see Tax Payments,
to be paid by each disqualified person.
disqualified person,
Carry the total amount in column (d)
Transfer to, or use by or for the
Line 3. List total payments here,
for each self-dealer to Part II-A,
benefit of, a disqualified person of the
including amounts paid on extension(s)
column (c).
income or assets of a private
with Form 8868. See the discussion on
foundation, and
Part III. Enter in column (a) the names
Extensions, earlier, for details on
Agreement by a private foundation to
of all foundation managers who took
amounts paid with extensions.
make any payment of money or other
part in the acts of self-dealing listed in
property to a government official other
Line 4. Enter the tax due on this line.
Part I, and who knew that they were acts
than an agreement to employ or make a
(Make check(s) or money order(s)
of self-dealing (except for foundation
grant to that individual for any period
payable to the United States Treasury.)
managers whose participation was not
after the end of government service if
willful and was due to reasonable
Line 5. This is your refund. If various
that individual will be ending
persons (individuals or organizations)
government service within a 90-day
have overpaid their taxes, please have
If more than one foundation manager
each person request only his, her, or its
took part in the act of self-dealing,
knowing that it was such an act, and
legal share of the refund. This can be
Exceptions to self-dealing. Go to
participation was willful and not due to
shown on an attachment to the Form
reasonable cause, each is individually
4720. Only persons with a legal right to
for a
liable for the entire tax in connection
a refund should file a refund request
description of acts that aren't
with the act. But the foundation
considered self-dealing.
managers liable for the tax may prorate
Initial taxes on self­dealer. An initial
the payment among themselves. Enter
Schedule A—Initial Taxes
tax of 10% of the amount involved is
in column (c) the tax to be paid by each
charged for each act of self-dealing
on Self­Dealing (Section
foundation manager.
between a disqualified person and a
Carry the total amount in column (d)
private foundation for each year or part
for each foundation manager to Part
of a year in the taxable period. Any
General Instructions
II-A, column (c).
disqualified person (other than a
foundation manager acting only as
Requirement. All organizations that
such) who takes part in the act of
answered “Yes,” to question 1b or 1c in
Schedule B—Initial Tax on
self-dealing must pay the tax.
Part VII-B of Form 990-PF, or “Yes,” to
Undistributed Income
question 75b or 75c in Part VI-B of Form
Initial taxes on foundation manag­
(Section 4942)
5227, must complete Schedule A.
ers. When a tax is imposed on a
Complete Parts I, II, and III of
Complete Schedule B if you answered
foundation manager for an act of
Schedule A only in connection with acts
“Yes,” to Form 990-PF, Part VII-B,
self-dealing, the tax will be 5% of the
that are subject to the tax on
question 2b.
amount involved in the act of
self-dealing for each year or part of a
An initial excise tax of 30% is
Paying the tax and filing a Form 4720
year in the taxable period. However, the
imposed on a private foundation's
is required for each year or part of a
total tax imposed for all years in the
undistributed income on the first day of
year in the taxable period that applies to
taxable period is limited to $20,000 for
the second or any succeeding tax year
the act of self-dealing. Generally, the
each act of self-dealing. The tax is
after the tax year in connection with
taxable period begins with the date on
imposed on any foundation manager
which income remains undistributed.
which the self-dealing occurs and ends
who took part in the act knowing that it
on the earliest of:
Use the 2016 Form 4720 to report
was self-dealing except those
The date a notice of deficiency is
the initial tax on undistributed income for
foundation managers whose
mailed under section 6212, in
tax years beginning in 2015 or earlier
participation was not willful and was due
connection with the initial tax imposed
that remains undistributed at the end of
to reasonable cause.
on the self-dealer,
the foundation's current tax year
Specific Instructions
The date the initial tax on the
beginning in 2016. The initial tax won't
self-dealer is assessed, or
apply to a private foundation's
Part I. List each act of self-dealing in
The date correction of the act of
undistributed income:
Part I. Enter in column (d) the number
self-dealing is completed.
For any tax year it is an operating
designation from Form 990-PF, Part
foundation (as defined in section 4942(j)
VII-B, question 1a, or Form 5227, Part
Self­dealing. Self-dealing includes any
direct or indirect:
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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