Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 4


the same size as the form and indicate
3. The second transaction isn't
and statements, that apply to public
clearly the line of the printed form to
timely corrected.
charities, private foundations,
which the information relates.
managers, donors, donor advisors,
Tax Payments
related persons, and self-dealers who
Organizations Organized
are required to file this return. See
Managers, self-dealers, disqualified
or Created in a Foreign
sections 6651, 7203, 7206, and 7207.
persons, donors, donor advisors, and
Also, see section 6684 for penalties that
related persons, paying tax on the
relate to tax liability under Chapter 42.
organization's Form 4720 must pay with
Report all amounts in U.S. currency
the return the tax that applies to them as
Interest charges for any unpaid tax is
(state conversion rate used) and give
shown in Part II-A. Managers,
charged at the underpayment rate
information in English. Report items in
self-dealers, disqualified persons,
established under section 6621. The
total, including amounts and
donors, donor advisors, and related
interest on underpayments is in addition
transactions from both inside and
persons, who file separate Forms 4720
to any penalties.
outside the United States.
must pay the applicable tax with their
separate returns. When managers don't
Chapter 42 taxes (including sections
sign the organization's Form 4720 to
4941 through 4945, 4955, 4958, 4959,
See section 4962 for rules on
report their own tax liability, the amount
and 4965 through 4967) don't apply to
abatement, refund, or relief from
of tax they owe shouldn't be entered in
foreign organizations that receive
payment of first tier taxes under
Part II-B, line 1.
substantially all of their support (other
sections 4942 through 4945, 4955,
than gross investment income) from
4958, 4966, and 4967. To request
Payment by a private foundation of
sources outside the United States. See
abatement, refund, or relief under
any taxes owed by the foundation
section 4948(b). These organizations
section 4962, write “Request for
managers or self-dealers will result in
must complete this form and file it in the
Abatement Under Section 4962” in the
additional taxes under the self-dealing
same manner as domestic
top margin of Form 4720, page 1.
and taxable expenditure provisions.
organizations. However, these
Managers and self-dealers should pay
organizations, as well as their
Initial Tax Liability
taxes imposed on them with their own
foundation managers and self-dealers,
check or money order.
If you pay an initial tax on self-dealing or
don't have to pay any tax that would
on investments that jeopardize
otherwise be due on this return.
Disqualified persons and entity
charitable purpose (figured on
managers should pay taxes on excess
For these purposes, a foreign
Schedules A and D of Form 4720,
benefit transactions that are imposed on
organization is an organization not
respectively) for tax year 2016, the
them with their own check or money
created or organized in or under the law
payment may not satisfy the entire tax
order. Any reimbursement of a
of the United States, a U.S. state or
liability for an act of self-dealing or an
disqualified person's tax liability from
possession, or the District of Columbia.
investment that jeopardizes charitable
excess benefit transactions by the
Gifts, grants, contributions, or
purpose. (For the definition of
organization will be treated as an
membership fees directly or indirectly
self-dealing, see the instructions for
excess benefit transaction subject to the
from a United States person (as defined
Schedule A of this form; for the
tax unless the organization included the
in section 7701(a)(30)) are from sources
definition of investments that jeopardize
reimbursement in the disqualified
within the United States. See
charitable purpose, see the instructions
person's compensation and the
Regulations section 53.4948-1.
for Schedule D of this form.) Paying the
disqualified person's total compensation
tax and filing a Form 4720 are required
Although a foreign organization
was reasonable. See the instructions for
for each year or part of a year in the
described in section 4948(b) isn't
Schedule I, later, for information on
taxable period that applies to the act or
subject to Chapter 42 taxes, it shall not
excess benefit transactions.
investment. Generally, the taxable
be exempt from tax under section
period begins with the date of the act or
Rounding Off to Whole
501(a) if it engages in a prohibited
investment and ends with the date
transaction. See section 4948(c). A
corrective action is completed, a notice
prohibited transaction is a transaction
You may round off cents to whole
of deficiency is mailed, or the tax is
that would subject the organization or its
dollars on your return and schedules. If
assessed, whichever comes first.
disqualified person to a penalty under
you do round to whole dollars, you must
section 6684 if the foreign organization
Similar rules apply for the initial tax
round all amounts. To round, drop
were a domestic organization. Unless
liability resulting from failing to distribute
amounts under 50 cents and increase
the transaction constitutes a willful and
income (Schedule B) and from acquiring
amounts from 50 to 99 cents to the next
flagrant violation of a Chapter 42
excess business holdings (Schedule C).
dollar. For example, $1.39 becomes $1
provision, a transaction violating a
Thus, the initial tax liability for those
and $2.50 becomes $3.
Chapter 42 provision won't constitute a
taxes continues to accrue until the date
prohibited transaction except under the
If you have to add two or more
a notice of deficiency is mailed, the
following circumstances:
amounts to figure the amount to enter
violation is corrected, or the tax is
1. There was a prior Chapter 42
on a line, include cents when adding the
assessed, whichever comes first.
violation that resulted in a warning from
amounts and round off only the total.
Completing the Schedules
the IRS that a second violation would
Penalties and Interest
result in a prohibited transaction.
Before completing any of the schedules
2. The IRS provides notice that the
There are penalties for failure to file or to
in this return, read the applicable
second transaction will constitute a
pay tax. There are also penalties for
instructions. If any completed schedule
prohibited transaction unless it is
willful failure to file, supply information or
shows taxes owed, enter them on
corrected within 90 days of the notice.
pay tax, and for filing fraudulent returns
page 1 of this return.
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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