Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 3


Include the suite, room, or other unit
Private delivery services. You can
Part II taxes. Each manager,
number after the street address.
use certain private delivery services
self-dealer, disqualified person, donor,
designated by the IRS to meet the
donor advisor, or related person, whose
If the Post Office doesn't deliver mail
“timely mailing as timely filing/paying”
tax year ends on the same date as the
to the street address, show the P.O. box
rule for tax returns and payments.
tax year of the organization, but who
number instead of the street address.
These private delivery services include
files a separate Form 4720 to report and
If you want a third party (such as an
only the following.
pay the tax, must file Form 4720 by the
accountant or an attorney) to receive
DHL Express: DHL Express 9:00,
due date of the Form 990-PF, Form
mail for the foundation or charity, enter
DHL Express 10:30, DHL Express
5227, Form 990, or Form 990-EZ of the
on the street address line “C/O”
12:00, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL
organization for the tax period that
followed by the third party's name and
Express Envelope, DHL Import Express
corresponds to the period reported by
street address or P.O. box.
10:30, DHL Import Express 12:00, and
the manager, self-dealer, disqualified
DHL Import Express Worldwide.
person, donor, donor advisor, or related
Signature and Verification
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx First
person. A manager, self-dealer,
Overnight, FedEx Priority Overnight,
disqualified person, donor, donor
If you are a manager, self-dealer,
FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2
advisor, or related person whose tax
disqualified person, donor, donor
Day, FedEx International Next Flight
year ends on a date different from that
advisor, or related person, you should
Out, FedEx International Priority, FedEx
of the organization, or if the organization
sign only in the spaces that apply,
International First, FedEx International
is not required to file a Form 990, Form
whether you use the return of the
990-EZ, Form 990-PF, or Form 5227,
foundation or organization as your
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS
must file a Form 4720 by the 15th day of
return, or file separately.
Next Day Air Early AM, UPS Next Day
the 5th month after the end of his or her
If you are signing on behalf of the
Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS 2nd
tax year.
foundation or organization and also
Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air AM, UPS
If the regular due date falls on a
because of personal tax liability, you
Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, file
must sign twice. You sign:
Worldwide Express.
by the next business day.
1. On behalf of the foundation or
The private delivery service can tell
organization, and
you how to get written proof of the
2. For your own personal tax
mailing date.
Use Form 8868, Application for
Private delivery services can't deliver
Automatic Extension of Time To File an
items to P.O. boxes. You must use the
Exempt Organization Return, to request
For a corporation (or an association),
U.S. Postal Service to mail any item to
an automatic extension of time to file.
the form may be signed by one of the
an IRS P.O. box address. Private
The automatic extension will be granted
following: president, vice president,
if Form 8868 is properly completed,
delivery services deliver to:
treasurer, assistant treasurer, chief
filed, and any balance due shown on
accounting officer, or other corporate
Internal Revenue Service
Form 4720 is paid by the due date for
officer (such as tax officer).
1973 Rulon White Blvd.
Form 4720.
For a partnership, the form may be
Ogden, UT 84201
signed by a partner or partners
Even though the organization and
authorized to sign the partnership
one or more managers, self-dealers,
When To File
disqualified persons, donors, donor
Part I taxes. File Form 4720 by the due
advisors, or related persons may file the
If the return is filed on behalf of a
date (not including extensions) for filing
same Form 4720 (see Who Must File,
trust, the authorized trustee(s) must sign
the organization's Form 990-PF, Form
earlier), each person who needs an
990, Form 990-EZ, or Form 5227. If you
extension of time to file Form 4720 must
A receiver, trustee, or assignee
aren't required to file any of these forms,
file his, her, or its own extension. Each
file Form 4720 by the 15th day of the 5th
Form 8868 should, indicate his, her, or
required to file any return on behalf of an
individual, a trust, estate, partnership,
month after the organization's
its share of the balance due. Separating
association, company, or corporation
accounting period ends.
amounts in this way allows us to identify
must sign the Form 4720 filed for these
the persons who paid their share of the
If the regular due date falls on a
tax balance due and should avoid
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, file
potential problems later on in
by the next business day.
Also, a person with a valid power of
processing of the extensions.
attorney may sign for the organization,
Affiliated group member. See
foundation, manager, self-dealer, donor,
Name, Address, etc.
section 4911(f) and instructions for
donor advisor, or related person.
Schedule G, later, for definition of
The name, address, and employer
Include a copy of the power of attorney
“affiliated group.” For members of an
identification number of the organization
with the return.
affiliated group of organizations that
should be the same as shown on Form
have different tax years, and who are
990-PF, Form 5227, Form 990, Form
filing Form 4720 to report tax under
990-EZ, and Schedule A (Form 990 or
If you need more space, attach separate
section 4911, the tax year of the
990-EZ). A self-dealer, donor, donor
sheets showing the same information in
affiliated group is the calendar year,
advisor, related person, disqualified
the same order as on the printed form.
unless all members of the group elect
person, or manager filing a separate
Show the totals on the printed form.
under Regulations section 56.4911-7(e)
Form 4720 enters his, her or its name,
(5) to make a member's year the group's
address, and taxpayer identification
Enter the organization's name and
tax year.
number in Part II-A.
EIN on each sheet. Use sheets that are
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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