Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 2


must be filed by all organizations,
transaction (PTST). Certain
person paying taxes shown on Part II-A
including foreign organizations, that
tax-exempt entities must file Form 4720
should include his or her own check or
answered “Yes,” to question 1b, 1c, 2b,
to report the liability and pay the tax due
money order, payable to the United
3b, 4a, 4b, 5b, 6b, or 7b in Part VII-B of
under section 4965(a)(1) (Schedule J
States Treasury, with Form 4720. The
Form 990-PF; or “Yes,” to question 75b,
and Part I, line 9). This requirement
organization must not pay any taxes
75c, 77b, 78a, 78b, 79b, or 80b in Part
applies to entities described in sections
shown on Part II-A.
VI-B, and Item G on page 1 of Form
501(c), 501(d), or 170(c) (other than the
A manager, self-dealer, disqualified
5227. A trust described in section
United States) or an Indian tribal
person, donor, donor advisor, and
4947(a)(2) is considered a private
government (within the meaning of
related person who owes tax under
foundation insofar as it is subject to
section 7701(a)(40)).
Chapter 41 or 42, including organization
Chapter 42 provisions. (Schedules B
managers under section 4965, and who
Any entity described in section
through E and Part I, lines 1 through 4,
doesn’t have the same tax year (or
4965(c) that is a party to a PTST
as applicable).
accounting year, as applicable) or
must file Form 8886-T.
doesn’t sign the return filed by the
Other organizations owing initial tax­
organization, must file a separate Form
Sponsoring organizations maintain­
es on excess business holdings.
4720 showing the tax owed. A separate
ing donor advised funds. All section
Supporting organizations described in
Form 4720 filed by a manager,
170(c) organizations (excluding private
section 4943(f)(3) and donor advised
self-dealer, disqualified person, donor,
foundations and government
funds described in section 4966(d)(2)
donor advisor or related person who
organizations referred to in sections
that owe the tax reported on Schedule C
files a separate Form 4720 should
170(c)(1) and 170(c)(2)(A)) that
(section 4943(a)). (Schedule C and Part
include the name of the organization. If
maintain one or more donor advised
I, line 2).
applicable, a separate Form 4720
funds must file Form 4720 to report the
Organizations making political ex­
should be filed for each organization for
liability and pay the tax owed on any
penditures. All section 501(c)(3)
which the manager, self-dealer,
taxable distributions under section 4966
organizations that make a political
disqualified person, donor, donor
(Schedule K and Part I, line 10).
expenditure must file Form 4720 to
advisor or related person owes tax. A
Charitable remainder trusts. All
report the liability and pay the tax
person filing Form 4720 separate from
charitable remainder trusts described in
(Schedule F and Part I, line 5).
the organization should enter his or her
section 664 that have unrelated
Organization managers may report any
tax year at the top of Form 4720. Enter
business taxable income for the tax year
first tier tax they owe on Schedule F of
the name, address, and taxpayer
must file Form 4720 to report the liability
Form 4720. (See Schedule F
identification number of the manager,
and pay the tax due (Part I, line 11).
instructions, later, for the definition of
self-dealer, disqualified person, donor,
Unrelated business taxable income is
political expenditures.)
donor advisor or related person in Part
figured under section 512 and is
II-A. Each manager, self-dealer,
Public charities making excess lob­
determined as if Part III of subchapter F
disqualified person, donor, donor
bying expenditures. Public charities
applies to such trusts.
advisor or related person should
that made the election under section
Hospital organizations failing to
complete all the information the form
501(h) and owe tax on excess lobbying
meet the community health needs
requires, including the schedule(s)
expenditures as figured on Schedule C
assessment requirements (Sections
applicable to each tax shown on Part
(Form 990 or 990-EZ), Part II-A, must
501(r)(3), 4959). An excise tax is
II-A, to the extent possible, and as
file Form 4720 to report the liability and
imposed on the failure by a hospital
pay the tax (Schedule G and Part I,
organization to meet the community
line 6). Certain organizations (and
Managers of tax favored
health needs assessment (“CHNA”)
possibly their managers) whose section
retirement plans, individual
requirements of section 501(r)(3)
501(c)(3) status is revoked because of
retirement arrangements, and
(Schedule M).
excess lobbying activities are subject to
savings arrangements described in
a 5% excise tax on their lobbying
sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 529,
expenditures (Schedule H and Part I,
457(b), 408(a), 220(d), 408(b), 530, or
line 7 or Part II-A, column (g), as
Managers, self­dealers, disqualified
223(d) must report and pay tax due
persons, donors, donor advisors,
under section 4965(a)(2) on Form 5330.
and related persons. A manager,
Charitable organizations that make
self-dealer, disqualified person, donor,
certain premium payments on per­
Where To File
donor advisor, or related person who
sonal benefit contracts. Form 4720
owes tax under Chapter 41 or 42,
must be filed by any organization
including an organization manager
described in section 170(c) or section
under section 4965, who has the same
664(d) that answered “Yes,” to question
If you are located in
Then use the
tax year (or accounting year, as
7f in Part V of Form 990, question 6b in
following address
applicable) as the organization, may
Part VII-B of Form 990-PF, question 80b
The United States
Department of the
report the tax shown on Part II-A of the
in Part VI-B of Form 5227, or that
Form 4720 filed by the organization. A
Internal Revenue
otherwise paid premiums on a personal
manager, self-dealer, or disqualified
Service Center
benefit contract in connection with a
person who reports a tax on Part II-A is
Ogden, UT 84201-0027
transfer to an organization for which a
personally responsible for the accuracy
A foreign country or
Internal Revenue
charitable deduction was not allowed to
of information set forth on Part II-A, as
a U.S. possession
Service Center
the transferor (Part I, line 8).
P.O. Box 409101
well as any tax shown there. Each
Ogden, UT 84409
Certain tax­exempt entities that are a
manager, self-dealer, disqualified
party to a prohibited tax shelter
person, donor, donor advisor or related
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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