Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 18


Routine uses of this information include
unless the form displays a valid OMB
If you have comments concerning the
disclosing it to the Department of
control number. Books or records
accuracy of these time estimates or
Justice for civil and criminal litigation
relating to a form or its instructions must
suggestions for making this form
and to other federal agencies, as
be retained as long as their contents
simpler, we would be happy to hear
provided by law. We may disclose the
may become material in the
from you. You can send us comments
information to cities, states, the District
administration of any Internal Revenue
from Click on
of Columbia, and U.S. Commonwealths
law. Generally, tax returns and return
"More Information" and then on
and possessions to administer their
information are confidential, as required
"Comment on Tax Forms and
laws. We may also disclose this
by section 6103.
Publications." Or you can send your
information to other countries under a
comments to Tax Forms and
The time needed to complete and file
tax treaty, to federal and state agencies
Publications Division, Internal Revenue
this form will vary depending on
to enforce federal nontax criminal laws,
Service, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW,
individual circumstances. The estimated
or to federal law enforcement and
IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don't
average time is:
intelligence agencies to combat
send the tax form to this address.
terrorism. If you don't file this
Instead, see Where To File.
64 hrs., 48 min.
. . . . . .
information, you may be subject to
Learning about the law
interest, penalties, and/or criminal
or the form
16 hrs., 48 min.
. . . . . . . . .
Preparing the form
30 hrs., 10 min.
. . . .
You aren't required to provide the
information requested on a form that is
Copying, assembling,
and sending the form to
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
the IRS
1 hr., 36 min.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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