Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 17


How To Get Forms and
The CHNA must take into account input
online, visit the IRS website at
from persons who represent the broad
interests of the community served by
the hospital facility, including people
Internet. You can access the IRS
Paid Preparer Authorization
with special knowledge of or expertise
website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
On the “Sign Here” line, check “Yes,” if
in public health. The CHNA must be
at to:
the IRS can contact the paid preparer
made widely available to the public.
Download forms, including talking tax
who signed the return to discuss the
forms, instructions, and publications.
2. To adopt an implementation
return. This authorization applies only to
Order IRS products online.
strategy to meet the community health
the individual whose signature appears
Research your tax questions online.
needs identified through the CHNA.
in the Paid Preparer Use Only section of
Search publications online by topic or
Form 4720. It doesn't apply to the firm, if
See Notice 2011-52, 2011-30 I.R.B.
any, shown in that section.
60; Proposed Regulations,
Sign up to receive local and national
REG-130266-11, 78 F.R. 20523,
tax news by email.
By checking the “Yes box,” the
2012-32 I.R.B. 126; Notice 2014-2,
organization is authorizing the IRS to
By phone and in person. You can
2014-3 I.R.B. 407; Notice 2014-3,
contact the paid preparer to answer any
order forms and publications by
2014-3 I.R.B. 408; as well as any future
questions that arise during the
downloading from the IRS website at
related guidance for details. For
processing of the return. The
You can also
additional information on the CHNA
organization is also authorizing the paid
get most forms and publications at your
requirements, see Schedule H (Form
preparer to:
local IRS office.
990), Hospitals, Part V, Section B.
Give the IRS any information missing
Specific Instructions
IRS e­Services Makes
from the return,
Call the IRS for information about
Taxes Easier
Part I. For each hospital facility, list the
processing the return, and
following information in the relevant
Now more than ever before, businesses
Respond to certain IRS notices about
column: (b) name of facility, (c)
can enjoy the benefits of filing and
math errors, offsets, and return
description of the failure to meet section
paying their federal taxes electronically.
501(r)(3), (d) tax year hospital facility
Whether you rely on a tax professional
The organization isn't authorizing the
last conducted a CHNA, and (e) tax
or handle your own taxes, the IRS offers
paid preparer to bind the organization to
year hospital facility last adopted an
you convenient programs to make taxes
anything or otherwise represent the
implementation strategy.
easier. Use these electronic options to
organization before the IRS.
make filing and paying easier.
Part II. On line 1 enter the number of
You can e-file your Form 990 or Form
hospital facilities operated by the
The authorization will automatically
990-PF; Form 940 and 941 employment
hospital organization that failed to meet
end no later than the due date
tax returns; Forms 1099; and other
the CHNA requirements of section
(excluding extensions) for filing of the
information returns. Visit
501(r)(3). Enter $50,000 multiplied by
organization's 2017 Form 4720. If the
for details.
line 1 on line 2 and on Part 1, line 12.
organization wants to expand the paid
You can pay taxes online or by phone
This is the CHNA excise tax under
preparer's authorization or revoke it
using the free Electronic Federal Tax
section 4959.
before it ends, see Pub. 947, Practice
Payment System (EFTPS). Visit
Before the IRS and Power of Attorney.
Paid Preparer
or call 1-800-555-4477
Check “No,” if the IRS should contact
for details. Electronic Funds Withdrawal
Generally, anyone who is paid to
the organization listed on the first page
(EFW) from a checking or savings
prepare the return must sign the return
of the Form 4720, rather than the paid
account also is available to those who
and fill in the other blanks in the Paid
file electronically.
Preparer Use Only area. An employee
of the filing organization isn't a paid
Phone Help
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduc­
tion Act Notice.
If you have questions and/or need help
We ask for the information on this form
completing this form, please call
The paid preparer must:
to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of
1-877-829-5500. This toll-free
Sign the return in the space provided
the United States. We need it to ensure
telephone service is available Monday
for the preparer's signature,
that you are complying with these laws
through Friday.
Enter the preparer information,
and to allow us to figure and collect the
Enter the preparer tax identification
Photographs of Missing
right amount of tax. Certain individuals
number (PTIN), and
who owe tax under Chapter 41 or 42 of
Give a copy of the return to the
the Internal Revenue Code, and who
organization, in addition to the copy to
The Internal Revenue Service is a proud
don't sign the Form 4720 of the
be filed with the IRS.
partner with the
National Center for
foundation or organization, must file a
Any paid preparer whose
Missing & Exploited Children®
separate Form 4720 showing the tax
identifying number must be
(NCMEC). Photographs of missing
owed and the name of the foundation or
listed on Form 990-PF can
children selected by the Center may
organization for which they owe tax.
apply for and obtain a PTIN. You can
appear in instructions on pages that
Sections 6001 and 6011 of the Internal
apply for a PTIN online or by filing Form
would otherwise be blank. You can help
Revenue Code require you to provide
W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax
bring these children home by looking at
the requested information if the tax
Identification Number (PTIN)
the photographs and calling
applies to you. Section 6109 requires
Application and Renewal. For more
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if
you to provide your identifying number.
information about applying for a PTIN
you recognize a child.
Form 4720 Instructions


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