Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 16


Specific Instructions
c. All grants from the fund or
taxable distribution separately.
account are awarded on an objective
Complete Parts I, II, and III of
Part I. Complete this part for all
and nondiscriminatory basis according
Schedule L only in connection with
prohibited benefits.
to a procedure approved in advance by
distributions made by a sponsoring
the board of directors of the sponsoring
organization from a donor advised fund
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
organization. The procedure must be
which results in a prohibited benefit.
of all donors, donor advisors, and
designed to ensure that all grants meet
(See instructions to Schedule K for
related persons who received a
the requirements of section 4945(g)(1),
definitions of the terms sponsoring
prohibited benefit. If more than one
(2), or (3).
organization and donor advised fund).
donor, donor advisor, or related person
is listed in column (a) for one
Prohibited benefit. If any donor, donor
Tax on sponsoring organization. A
distribution, each is individually liable for
advisor, or related party advises the
tax of 20% of the amount of each
the entire tax for that distribution.
sponsoring organization about making a
taxable distribution is imposed on the
However, the donors, donor advisors, or
distribution which results in a donor,
sponsoring organization.
related persons who are liable for the
donor advisor, or related party receiving
tax may prorate the payment among
Tax on fund manager. If a tax is
(either directly or indirectly) a more than
themselves. Enter in column (c) the tax
imposed on a taxable distribution of the
incidental benefit, then such benefit is a
each manager will pay for each
sponsoring organization, a tax of 5% of
prohibited benefit.
distribution for which such manager
the distribution will be imposed on any
Donor advisor. A donor advisor is any
owes a tax.
fund manager who agreed to the
person appointed or designated by a
distribution knowing that it was a taxable
Carry the total amount in column (d)
donor to advise a sponsoring
distribution. Any fund manager who took
for each donor, donor advisor, or related
organization on the distribution or
part in the distribution and is liable for
person to Part II-A, column (k).
investment of amounts held in the
the tax must pay the tax. The maximum
Part III. Enter in column (a) the names
donor's fund or account.
amount of tax on all fund managers for
of all fund managers who agreed to
any one taxable distribution is $10,000.
Related party. A related party includes
make the distribution conferring the
If more than one fund manager is liable
any family member or 35% controlled
prohibited benefit. If more than one fund
for tax on a taxable distribution, all such
entity. See the General Instructions for
manager is listed in column (a) for one
managers are jointly and severally liable
Schedule I for a definition of those
distribution, each is individually liable for
for the tax.
the entire tax for that distribution.
Specific Instructions
Tax on donor, donor advisor, or rela­
However, the fund managers who are
ted person. A tax of 125% of the
liable for the tax may prorate the
Part I. Complete this part for all taxable
benefit resulting from the distribution is
payment among themselves. Enter in
imposed on both the party who advised
column (c) the tax each manager will
as to the distribution (which might be a
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
pay for each distribution for which such
donor, donor advisor, or related party)
of all fund managers who agreed to
manager owes a tax.
and the party who received such benefit
make the taxable distribution. If more
Carry the total amount in column (d)
(which might be a donor, donor advisor,
than one fund manager is listed in
for each fund manager to Part II-A,
or related party). The advisor and the
column (a) for one distribution, each is
column (k).
party who received the benefit are jointly
individually liable for the entire tax in
and severally liable for the tax.
connection with that distribution.
Schedule M—Tax on
However, the fund managers who are
Tax on fund managers. If a tax is
Failure to Meet the
liable for the tax may prorate the
imposed on a prohibited benefit
payment among themselves. Enter in
Community Health Needs
received by a donor, donor advisor, or
column (c) the tax each manager will
related person, a tax of 10% of the
Assessment Requirements
pay for each distribution for which such
amount of the prohibited benefit is
(Sections 4959 and 501(r)
manager owes a tax.
imposed on any fund manager who
Carry the total amount in column (d)
agreed to the distribution knowing that it
for each fund manager to Part II-A,
would confer a prohibited benefit. Any
General Instructions
column (j).
fund manager who took part in the
distribution and is liable for the tax must
Requirements. For tax years
pay the tax. The maximum amount of
Schedule L—Taxes on
beginning after March 23, 2012, section
tax on all fund managers for any one
4959 imposes an excise tax on hospital
Prohibited Benefits
taxable distribution is $10,000. If more
organizations that fail to meet the
Distributed From Donor
than one fund manager is liable for tax
section 501(r)(3) requirements in any
on a taxable distribution, all such
Advised Funds (Section
tax year.
managers are jointly and severally liable
Section 501(r)(3) requirements
for the tax.
pertain to a hospital organization
General Instructions
Exception. If a tax is imposed under
conducting a community health needs
section 4958 for the same transaction,
assessment (CHNA). The requirements,
Requirement. A sponsoring
then no additional tax is imposed under
which apply separately to each hospital
organization of donor advised funds that
section 4967 on that transaction.
facility the hospital organization
answered “Yes,” to Form 990, Part V,
operates, are as follows.
line 9b, or that otherwise distributed
1. To conduct a CHNA this tax year,
prohibited benefits under section 4967,
or in either of the two prior tax years.
must complete Schedule L. Report each
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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