Instructions For Form 4720 - 2016 Page 15


receipts and disbursements method to
1. The distribution is for any
Managers of tax favored
determine the amount and timing of net
purpose other than one specified in
retirement plans, individual
income and proceeds attributable to a
section 170(c)(2)(B), or
retirement arrangements, and
prohibited tax shelter transaction.
2. The sponsoring organization
savings arrangements described in
If an entity has an established
maintaining the donor advised fund
sections 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 529,
method of accounting other than the
doesn't exercise expenditure
457(b), 408(a), 220(d), 408(b), 530, or
cash method, the entity may use the
responsibility with respect to such
223(d) must report and pay tax due
cash method to determine the amount
distribution in accordance with section
under section 4965(a)(2) on Form 5330.
of the net income and proceeds
attributable to a prohibited tax shelter
Prohibited tax shelter transaction. In
However, a taxable distribution
general, a prohibited tax shelter
doesn't include a distribution from a
transaction means any listed transaction
Specific Instructions
donor advised fund to:
(including a subsequently listed
1. Any organization described in
transaction) and any prohibited
Part I. Complete this part for each
section 170(b)(1)(A) (other than a
reportable transaction.
transaction if during the tax year, the
disqualified supporting organization),
entity received proceeds from or has net
Listed transaction. A listed
income attributable to a PTST.
2. The sponsoring organization of
transaction includes any transaction that
such donor advised fund, or
Figure the tax for each transaction as
is the same as or substantially similar to
3. Any other donor advised fund.
one of the types of transactions that the
If column (e) was answered “Yes,”
IRS has determined to be a tax
Sponsoring organization. A
then enter the larger of the column (f) or
avoidance transaction. These
sponsoring organization is a section
column (g) amount in column (h).
transactions are identified by notice,
170(c) organization that isn't a
If column (e) was answered “No,”
regulation, or other form of published
government organization (as referred to
then multiply the larger of the amount in
guidance as a listed transaction. For
in section 170(c)(1) and (2)(A)) or a
column (f) or column (g) by 35% (.35)
existing guidance, see Notice 2009-59,
private foundation and maintains one or
and enter the result in column (h).
2009-31 I.R.B. 170.
more donor advised funds.
After the tax has been figured for all
For updates to this list, go to the IRS
PTSTs entered on Schedule J, then
Donor advised fund. A donor advised
website at
total column (h) and enter the amount
fund is a fund or account:
and click on “Abusive Tax
on the Total line and on line 9 of Part I.
Shelters and Transactions.” The listed
1. Which is separately identified by
transactions in the above notices and
reference to contributions of a donor or
Part II. Enter in column (a) the names
rulings will also be periodically updated
of all entity managers who approved the
in future issues of the Internal Revenue
entity as (or otherwise caused the entity
2. Which is owned and controlled by
to be) a party to a PTST at any time
a sponsoring organization, and
during the tax year and who knew or
Subsequently listed transaction.
3. For which the donor (or any
had reason to know that the transaction
A subsequently listed transaction is a
person appointed or designated by the
is a PTST.
transaction that is identified in published
donor) has or expects to have advisory
guidance as a listed transaction after
Carry the total amount in column (d)
privileges concerning the distribution or
the entity has entered into the
for each manager to Part II-A, column
investment of the funds held in the
transaction and that was not a
donor advised funds or accounts
confidential transaction or transaction
because of the donor's status as a
with contractual protection at the time
Schedule K—Taxes on
the entity entered into the transaction.
Taxable Distributions of
Exception. A donor advised fund
Prohibited reportable transaction. A
doesn't include:
Sponsoring Organizations
prohibited reportable transaction is any
1. A fund or account that makes
Maintaining Donor
confidential transaction or any
distributions only to a single identified
transaction with contractual protection
Advised Funds (Section
organization or governmental entity, or
that is a reportable transaction. See
2. Any fund or account for a person
Regulations sections 1.6011-4(b)(3)
described in 3 under Donor advised
and (4), and the Instructions for Form
General Instructions
fund (DAF) that gives advice about
8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt
which individuals receive grants for
Entity Regarding Prohibited Tax Shelter
Requirement. Complete Schedule K if
travel, study, or similar purposes, if:
Transaction, for more information.
you answered “Yes,” to question 9a in
Part V of Form 990, or if you are a fund
a. The person's advisory privileges
Allocation of net income and pro­
manager of a sponsoring organization
are performed exclusively by such
ceeds to a tax year. The net income
who agreed to the making of a taxable
person in their capacity as a committee
and proceeds attributable to a
distribution knowing that it was a taxable
member of which all the committee
prohibited tax shelter transaction must
distribution. Report each taxable
members are appointed by the
be allocated to a particular tax year in a
distribution separately. These terms are
sponsoring organization,
manner consistent with the entity's
discussed below.
b. No combination of persons with
established method of accounting for
advisory privileges, described in 3
federal income tax purposes. If an entity
Taxable distribution. A taxable
under DAF, or persons related to those
hasn't established a method of
distribution is any distribution from a
in 3 under DAF, directly or indirectly
accounting for federal income tax
donor advised fund to any natural
control the committee, and
purposes, the entity must use the cash
person or to any other person if:
Instructions for Form 4720 (2016)


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